BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 46

General Summary

  • Drake takes Venny Greyson back to her office for questioning
  • Party follow her, and find a man called Marazion waiting outside - apparently Marazion has been trying to hire Drake for a while, but she has been too busy to look into his case
  • Drake brings Venny and Marazion inside to avoid a scene, and the party follow
  • Drake recognises Leah through her disguise (thanks to a detect thoughts spell) and welcomes the group inside too
  • She explains that some strange things have been happening in the city - namely bright lights at night, loud explosions and strange creatures appearing in the streets
  • Venny apparently witnessed the lights recently, and Drake wishes to speak to him about what he saw - and more importantly, where he saw them
  • Drake is also hoping to investigate sightings of a creature near The Old Forge, and asks if the party could lend a hand (taking Marazion with them to get him out of the way). The party agree and head into the sewers, where Drake believes the creature is likely hiding
  • In the sewers, the party find a huge fiery blob creature that seems to be living below The Old Forge
  • The creature is defeated, and drops a heavy metal plate with a broken arcane rune inscribed on it
  • As the party prepare to leave, a broken sword drops into the sewer from the pipes. It seems to have only recently been worked on, but is poorly made and unfinished
  • Back at Gotcha' Investigations, the party find Drake and Venny missing. Signs of a scuffle are evident, and Marazion discovers through talking with his steed, that two men in long coats came to the office, and left with a dwarf
  • Atlas finds Drake tied up in a secret safe room, unconscious
  • The investigator is revived, and explains that she felt something prod her in the back which shocked her, then she woke up in the safe room
  • Drake was able to get what she needed from Venny however, and is able to triangulate where the lights seemed to originate from - the Nakaba Prison
  • The party fill Drake in on what they know, and why they have come to Nakaba. Drake is surprised to learn that whatever is happening is not just within Nakaba, and could be much bigger than her original hypothesis that this was a lone mage causing trouble
  • Marazion interrupts the discussion with his plight for aid from Drake - apparently a companion of his Safana Grey has been missing for some time, and he believes the Shadow Witches are involved. Marazion is somewhat of a "Witch Hunter" apparently, but has had little success in hunting the elusive group.
  • Godric reveals that they knew a Safana Grey, and that she's in the Deddo Forest... this revelation reveals that Safana is in fact dead, at the hands of the Shadow Witches
  • The party fill Drake and Marazion in somewhat on the witches activities, and Drake apologies to Marazion for dismissing his case so quickly. The investigator promises to follow up on his case to find the witches once the trouble in Nakaba has been resolved.
  • With the timer on their disguises quickly nearing its end, the group head to Farmview Tavern for their evening performance. A fairly large crowd has gathered, and the group give a good, but not too good performance... until Eva's eyes flash green and she belts out a stunner
  • The crowd cries for an encore, but as their disguises are soon to fade, the party rush upstairs instead - except for Atlas who can maintain his disguise
  • Drake follows the group up to congratulate them on their performance. Noticing that Atlas is missing, she asks about the man - apparently she has the strangest feeling that she knows him
  • Leah reveals that he is from Nakaba, and once went by the name of "Darvin"
  • This information is apparently all Drake needed to join the dots in her mind, and she rushes downstairs to find Atlas
  • Drake confronts Atlas, calling him by his old name and taking him to an empty section of the terrace. Darvin was once an investigator working for Drake, who apparently faked his own death when the grief of losing his love, Elena, became too much. Drake has been working solo ever since, refusing to take on other apprentices for fear of what could happen
  • After a brief explanation and apology, Drake lets the matter go. This all happened some 30 years ago after all, and what use is there in dragging up the past?
  • Before the night is through, Atlas and Eva head to Sophitia's house to investigate. They find a blood stain on a rug, which may have soaked through from the floor beneath, as well as other signs of a hasty cover up. On the mantlepiece, Eva spies a magical item, which turns out to be one half of a sending stones pair, disguised as a bird figurine
  • Upstairs, Atlas finds a hidden space behind a picture, which contains a journal of Sophitia's observations in Nakaba. She apparently had heard strange noises coming from the area around the prison and the government building - including screams. She notes that if it weren't for her elven heritage, she may not have heard anything at all. The journal suggests that Sophitia grew nervous that she had been discovered, before her final entry of "Something is rotten in Nakaba"
  • Marazion escorts Drake back to her home on his trusty steed, and the investigator agrees to help the man in his search for the witches. Drake fears that her enquiries have likely put her in harms way - now that it seems the government may be involved - and so she thinks it best to leave matters with the Unlikely Association, and leave town first thing in the morning.
  • She will discuss the plan with the party before she leaves the next day
Report Date
15 Jan 2021
Primary Location


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