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Shadow Witches

The Shadow Witches are a mysterious coven of spellcasters, who are exclusively female. The witches are believed to use dark Magic in rituals of Human sacrifice. A lot of mystery surrounds this group, but it is generally considered wise to avoid anyone claiming to be a Shadow Witch as their powers are greatly feared. They have no known base of operations, but are commonly thought to conduct their rituals primarily in the Deddo Forest.


The Shadow Witches have always been an exclusively female organisation. Men are viewed as untrustworthy and so are often met with hostilities.   Members of this coven primarily practice what would be considered "Black Magic", seemingly a mixture of arcane and druidic Magic, the witches' focus on necromancy and curses paints them in a hugely negative light.   Not much is known about the day-to-day of the witches. No permanent headquarters has ever been discovered, and anybody unfortunate enough to meet a witch has often gone missing.

Public Agenda

Although nobody knows the true goals and motives of the Shadow Witches, they are commonly believed to be monstrous folk - in terms of their actions. Murder, ritual sacrifice, and curses are all commonly believed to be activities pursued by this coven. To what end, nobody is sure.


Unknown to most, the Shadow Witches were formed by Morgana somewhere between 1-20KCB. Up until this time, Morgana was a member of a coven of nature-based witches who lived within the Deddo Forest, a once vibrant and bountiful land. The nature witches revered the land and lived a peaceful existence.   The machinations of the gods brought a destructive end to this peace, however. Morgana's father was killed by the meteor that created Kureta Lake, and much of her coven was killed by the pestilence that spread from the Seed of Mortona shortly after.   In her anger, Morgana created a pact with Wrath, The Furious and learnt to blend the powers of The Hells with the nature Magic she already knew. She taught those who remained of her coven this new Black Magic, forming a new society of Shadow Witches.   Over the years, the new coven - now living in a dead and desolate forest - would infiltrate Kureta City to gain supplies, and new recruits. Morgana would also spread many of the dark rumours (that exist today) about the forest and her witches, to keep any wandering fools away.   Little of the rumours were true, though the witches certainly carried out their share of dark rituals. Morgana continued to gain power over the centuries, bolstered by the support of her coven.


After Morgana's ascension to godhood, the Shadow Witches have divided. Many have decided to remain as they are, now led by Verana Mavros. These witches now revere Morgana as a deity and have spread beyond the borders of the Deddo Forest.   Others have decided to go back to the nature-based Magic that Morgana learnt as a child, with the hopes of living a peaceful communal life in the now flourishing Deddo Forest.   A small number of the coven have decided to re-integrate themselves into society, to what end, only they know.

Divine Origins

As of 1768, the Shadow Witches have become a religious sect, worshipping their ex-leader Morgana as the new goddess of witchcraft.   Morgana, already a powerful spellcaster who had lived long beyond her years, ascended to a level of demi-godhood by enacting a magical ritual in the Okina Forest. The ritual involved splitting open the divine Seed of Mortona (using The Arkbow) and consuming the shattered pieces. Once completed, Morgana visibly changed before her followers - undeniably gaining power and a new level of cosmic understanding. She promptly disappeared, leaving Verana Mavros in charge of leading the coven.
Founding Date
1-20 KCB (Estimated)
Religious, Coven
Notable Members


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