BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 61

General Summary

  • Atlas changes into Elena, Elena explains what is going on
  • Carve up the dragon for parts
  • Find hoard and collect loot
  • Head back to town
  • Get cleaned up, speak to Troggon Rocksmasher about what happened in the mines
  • Troggon reveals that he knows who the party are, despite their incredible story. Explains that he values actions over words, and agrees to take the group to the object that fell from the sky - despite their attempt at deception
  • Party meet the woman who fell from the sky. She is quiet, and looks frightened
  • Troggon agrees to let her out of the cell if the party can get her to talk
  • When she appeared, she had a magical glaive that was creating coins. Troggon is worried about the implications such an object could have on the economy, should there be more in existence
  • The woman is taken into the sitting room, where many fruitless attempts to get through to her are made
  • Leah casts Greater Restoration, which restores the woman's sensibilities, but not her memories
  • Meanwhile, Atlas identifies the glaive as 'Bounty' the fabled weapon of the the goddess Afflencia
  • The woman is undoubtedly the fallen goddess, though she seems to have no memory of who or what she was
  • The party convince Troggon that the woman is harmless - and possibly some kind of celestial creature that has fallen from heaven
  • Troggon doesn't seem entirely convinced, but is happy enough that she poses no threat. He insists that the glaive stay with him, but the woman is free to go with the party
  • Should they learn anything more of the woman and her strange weapon, Troggon would like to be the first to know
  • The group head back up to the Topside Apartments and make their way to the prison
  • Valen Elmwood meets them there, and finds the party a place to sleep (the barracks)
  • A boat has recently arrived from Kureta City with new prisoners, and the party may use it to travel home in the morning

Rewards Granted

  • Moneyz
  • Wand of Web
  • Ring of Regeneration
  • Cloak of Displacement
  • Chaimail +1
  • Shield +1
Report Date
02 Jul 2021


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