BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 91

General Summary

  • Travel back towards Hidalgo
  • Encounter a group of Raptors attacking another larger dinosaur
  • Save the large dinosaur, which seems nervous still. Atlas tries to ride it, but falls off. The dinosaur tells him to ask for consent next time, before running off
  • A few days later, the group encounter Saramne on the road. She has snuck out of town to warn the group of Aptior's actions
  • Aptior has been spreading the lie that the party are magic-wielding devils, summoned by the Tabaxi to cause trouble. They are to be apprehended on site and brought to the church
  • Saramne knows this is not true, as she was present during the initial questioning under Zone of Truth
  • A plan is hatched to challenge Aptior to single combat, whilst Veda and Atlas attempt to rescue the rest of the airship crew
  • Arriving in town, the party are confronted by a group of very nervous guards. Holding symbols of the Church of 9 Lives for protection, the Leonin successfully, but slowly, bring the adventurers to the church
  • Veda and Atlas sneak off to the guard house, whilst invisible, and Saramne heads towards the richer part of town to try and save Weddy
  • Aptior monologues for a little bit, before telling the party to surrender peacefully. They are to be executed in the morning, though he seems confident that he can kill them now if they resist
  • The party chose not to be executed, and battle ensues
  • Dreos is somehow summoned to the church, as acolytes burst from the side rooms
  • During the fight, Aptior displays many signs of obvious arcane Magic - including summoning a demon
  • Upon its death, the demon identifies Aptior as a Rakshasa
  • The fight intensifies, with Godric going Slayer mode, Atlas and Veda dimension dooring into the frey, and Aptior almost taking down 2 members of the group
  • The Leonin leader is eventually defeated however, as a tiger-like form is forced from his body, melting into the stonework
  • Aptior now lays unconcious on the ground, and a very confused Dreos (who spent most of the fight in a pocket dimension) seems to be unsure of what happened
  • Report Date
    02 Sep 2022
    Primary Location


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