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The Marshes

The Marshes believe the tower was created by an unknown entity. This being has no official name but is simply referred to as "The Sojourner". They claim that The Sojourner came to Ekina from another world and built the tower as its home. It was this being that bestowed the unique crest Magic to Colere, and once somebody can gather all the crests, they will be granted entry into the great home of The Sojourner. At this point, this other-worldly being would take the successful Lord and their followers to the being's home world, where they will know no pain, and experience only joy.
Ugh, this place is revolting. How can people live in a swamp? It stinks, the scenery is distressing, and the people are just awful. And "The Sojourner"? What a load of nonsense.

Flynvias Stillbrush
Included Locations
Owning Organization


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