Dvergar Species in El-Sod Elohim | World Anvil

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Dvergar (DVER-gahr)


Dwarf Couple.webp
Dvergar, known in English as dwarves, are a race of skilled craftsmen and warriors, deeply embedded in the myths and legends of Norse culture. They are renowned for their exceptional abilities in metalworking, stone carving, and crafting powerful magical artifacts. Living predominantly in underground cities and mountain fortresses, the Dvergar are a proud and resilient people with a rich cultural heritage.   Dvergar society is highly structured, with a strong emphasis on family ties and communal responsibilities. They are known for their stoic and hardworking nature, valuing loyalty, honor, and craftsmanship above all else. Despite their gruff exterior, Dvergar are deeply committed to their kin and are capable of great generosity and hospitality to those who earn their trust.

Basic Information


Dvergar are typically short and stocky, with powerful muscles suited for their labor-intensive lifestyles. They have broad shoulders, strong limbs, and dense bone structures that provide them with exceptional strength and endurance.

Biological Traits

Dvergar possess a lifespan significantly longer than that of humans, often living for several centuries. Their robust physiology includes a high resistance to toxins and diseases, and their dense musculature allows for impressive feats of strength.

Genetics and Reproduction

Dvergar reproduce sexually, with familial lines being carefully maintained through arranged marriages that strengthen social and political alliances. They have a slow reproduction rate, with pregnancies lasting approximately twelve months and resulting in single births.

Ecology and Habitats

Dvergar thrive in mountainous and subterranean environments where they can mine precious metals and gemstones. Their underground cities are marvels of engineering, featuring intricate tunnels, vast halls, and sophisticated ventilation systems.

Biological Cycle

Dvergar mature slowly, reaching adulthood around the age of 50. They remain physically robust well into their later years, with a gradual decline in strength and vitality occurring in the last century of life.


Dvergar are known for their industrious and disciplined nature. They value hard work, craftsmanship, and loyalty to their community. While often reserved and wary of outsiders, they are fiercely protective of their friends and family.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Dvergar society is organized into clans, each led by a chieftain. Clan members share responsibilities and resources, and social status is often determined by one's skill and contributions to the community.

Facial characteristics

Dvergar typically have rugged facial features, with prominent noses, bushy eyebrows, and thick beards, which are a source of pride and often elaborately braided and decorated.

Average Intelligence

Dvergar possess a high level of practical intelligence, excelling in engineering, metallurgy, and craftsmanship. Their knowledge of geology and mining is unparalleled.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Dvergar have excellent night vision, allowing them to navigate their dimly lit subterranean homes. Their sense of smell and hearing are also highly developed, aiding them in detecting changes in their environment.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

Dvergar society values both men and women for their skills and contributions. While men often take on roles as warriors and craftsmen, women are equally respected for their expertise in various trades and their roles in family and community leadership.

Relationship Ideals

Relationships among Dvergar are built on mutual respect, loyalty, and shared responsibilities. Marriages are often arranged to strengthen clan ties, but love and personal choice are also respected when possible.


Dvergar are fully sapient beings with a rich cultural and intellectual life. They have a deep appreciation for art, music, and storytelling, often celebrating their history and achievements through elaborate ceremonies and festivals.

Common Myths and Legends

Dvergar feature prominently in Norse mythology, known for creating legendary artifacts such as Thor's hammer, Mjölnir, and the ring Draupnir. They are often depicted as masterful craftsmen capable of extraordinary creations.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Dvergar generally maintain a cautious stance towards other species, valuing their independence and traditions. However, they are willing to engage in trade and alliances with those who show respect and honor their agreements.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
According to Norse mythology, Dvergar were originally formed from the body of the primordial being Ymir, fashioned by the gods and given life and intellect.
Average Height
Dvergar typically stand between 4 to 5 feet tall.
Average Weight
Dvergar are stocky and muscular, weighing between 150 to 200 pounds.
Average Physique
Their physique is characterized by strong, thick muscles and a sturdy build, ideal for their labor-intensive lifestyles.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Dvergar have a range of skin tones from pale to deep earth shades. Their hair is typically dark, though red and lighter shades are not uncommon, often accompanied by intricate tattoos and markings that signify clan affiliations and personal achievements.

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