Eilthirri (Ayl-theer-ree)


Eilthirri are mortal beings hailing from distant worlds beyond Earth. These extraterrestrial entities possess unique biological and cultural traits that set them apart from humans. Despite their alien origins, Eilthirri are intelligent, sentient beings who explore and interact with other species and realms. Their presence often sparks curiosity and fascination, as they bring new perspectives and technologies to the worlds they visit. Eilthirri are known for their adaptability and the diverse ways in which they integrate into different societies.

Basic Information


Varies widely depending on their home planet. Generally humanoid in form but may have distinctive features such as additional limbs, unique skin textures, or unusual eye configurations.

Biological Traits

Possess traits adapted to their homeworlds, such as heightened senses, advanced cognitive abilities, or specialized respiratory systems. They are often resilient and adaptable to new environments.

Genetics and Reproduction

Reproduce similarly to humans but may have additional biological processes depending on their species. Genetic diversity is often greater, resulting in a wide range of physical appearances and abilities.

Ecology and Habitats

Originate from various planets with diverse ecosystems. They are adaptable and can thrive in different environments, often bringing technologies or methods to help them integrate.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Dietary needs vary based on their homeworld biology. Some may require specific nutrients found only on their planet, while others can consume a wide range of foods.

Biological Cycle

Lifespans vary greatly, with some species living for centuries while others have shorter life cycles. Their aging processes and life stages are often unique to their species.


Curious and exploratory, with a strong desire to learn and experience new things. Their behavior is shaped by their cultural background and the societal norms of their homeworld.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Highly variable, reflecting the diverse cultures and societies of their home planets. Some may have hierarchical structures, while others are more egalitarian or communal.

Facial characteristics

Distinctive and often striking, with features that may include unusual eye shapes, additional sensory organs, or unique skin textures.

Average Intelligence

Extremely high, with advanced knowledge of science, technology, and various forms of art and culture. They often possess specialized skills and abilities unique to their species.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Enhanced senses tailored to their homeworld environments, such as superior vision, hearing, or olfactory abilities. Some may have extrasensory perception or telepathic abilities.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

Gender roles and concepts vary widely, often reflecting the unique societal norms of their homeworld. Some species may have multiple genders or none at all.

Relationship Ideals

Relationships are often complex and culturally specific, based on mutual respect, understanding, and the societal norms of their species. They may form bonds with other species, driven by curiosity and the desire for connection.


Fully sapient, with rich cultural traditions, advanced technologies, and deep philosophical understandings. Their societies often include a blend of tradition and innovation.

Common Myths and Legends

Their myths and legends are as diverse as their species, often centered around themes of exploration, survival, and the mysteries of the cosmos.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Viewed with fascination and sometimes caution by other species. They are respected for their advanced knowledge and unique perspectives, though their differences can sometimes lead to misunderstandings.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Originating from various planets beyond Earth, their ancestry includes rich histories and cultures that are often vastly different from human societies.
Average Height
Varies widely, typically between 4 to 8 feet depending on their species.
Average Weight
Varies depending on their anatomy and homeworld gravity, often between 80 to 300 pounds.
Average Physique
Ranges from slender and agile to robust and powerful, reflecting their adaptation to different planetary conditions.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Wide range of colors and patterns, often reflecting their homeworld's environment. Skin tones can include shades of blue, green, purple, or other exotic hues, with various markings or patterns.

The Eilthirri

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