Arlayna Preshyra



Sister (Vital)

Towards Arlayna Preshyra



Arlayna Preshyra

Sister (Vital)

Towards Valenthia




The heirs to house Preshyra have ever been in conflict, at least to the outside world. From their very first days of stealing toys and causing trouble for their parents, to an eternal rivalry over supremacy. Though the elder would never admit it, she is proud of her sister and all she has accomplished, yet there will always be a part of her that wishes she was far more obedient.

Nicknames & Petnames

Valenthia has ever been one for fondness, taking to calling her sibling Layna, or leya, both of which were met with disdain. Yet through the centuries it has stuck, with nothing able to abate it. Many a time there have been attempts by the younger to trick the elder into a petname, yet Arlayna remains ever stoic and proper.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Though Arlayna hates to admit it, she can never refuse a dance from her sister. And though Valentia could not possible bring herself to care for poetry, she enjoys the simple pleasure of listening to her beloved's voice. Arlayna would oft read her to sleep as a child, and even now she has learned to love the sound of words from paper.


Lady Consort (Vital)

Towards Arlayna Preshyra



Arlayna Preshyra

Lady (Vital)

Towards Valenthia




Though Arlayna may have her complaints about her sisters obedience, she can not deny that she has dutifully carried out her duties as wife. Ever since their union, the two have seemed closer. Though their relationship as sisters may be strained, their romance is in no way faltering. Yet not all has been so ever prosperous, for Valenthia has ever been one for pleasures. Far before their betrothal was when the temptations began, with her becoming ever more brazen by the day, until Arlayna was utterly powerless to do anything but watch as her sister did whatever pleased her fancy. And so, their union was consummated, far before their parents had planned for a betrothal of at least several years.

Nicknames & Petnames

It is a rare event indeed for Arlayna to show any sort of affection, yet on rare occasions, if Valenthia behaves perfectly proper, she may give her a quick hug and pat on the head. To hear the words darling from her lips, that has become one of Valenthia's truest goals in life. But even those times are few and far between; though she does not mine. To play the part of the sweet little sister bores her greatly, for seeing the blush upon Arlayna's cheeks makes her wish to tease and mock as only sisters can.

Relationship Reasoning

It keeping with the ancient Ligurian traditions, it was destined from birth that they would be together, for the blood of siblings runs thick in such cases. And so when the two grew of age, they were betrothed and wed soon after. Their union took place during the first day of winter, under a blue sky filled with clouds on which snowflakes drifted to melt on the earth below. The ceremony was not long, though replete with meaning. The ritual of blood bounding is one of ancient times, dating back as far as records have been kept.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Though Valenthia thoroughly enjoys ballroom dances, Arlayna would much rather that time be spent alone, in private. To have her younger sister rest against her shoulder as she sews is a great joy of hers, though rarely is she allowed such pleasure. Though the harp is also one of her greatest pastimes, in which Valenthia would sing whilst she plays.

Shared Acquaintances

Both mother's look fondly upon their two daughters, who have ever been loyal to them and one another. Yet though their eldest seems to be well on her way to becoming an archmage, the younger seems to lack ambition entirely. For Persephone only ever has eyes for her sister. Ever the obedient sister, her only motivation in life is to live up to her sisters expectations. Though, as both parent's say often, Mariella is far too easy on her beloved little sister.

Year of Birth
1910 236 Years old
Valenthia (Lady Consort)
Valenthia (Sister)


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