History of Elandris

The Age of Turmoil

... 2000

The song of Liguria's fall brings with it shifting tides and long winters

  • 1900 AT

    13 /6

    Eternal Winter
    Geological / environmental event

    The long winter was the first sign of the coming calamity, far more harsh than any in over a thousand years. The snowstorms raged for years unending; with no spring to break it nor summer to melt it. The winters have always been harsh in the twin isles, yet never before had they seemed so bitter and unyielding.

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  • 1907 AT

    1910 AT

    Unification of SouthWestern Stael
    Military: War

    The shogun of the dragon empress had not battled in over a thousand years, though her magic had only grown stronger. In only a few short years, the eastern dragon spread it’s wings across the continent, subjugating the many petty queendoms of the south.

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  • 1917 AT

    The Waning Cry of Magic
    Disaster / Destruction

    From the eternal winter came a much darker future; one without magic. There are only myths and legends of what transpired, with none who were there left alive.

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  • 1918 AT

    The Last Ligurian Heirs
    Life, Relocation

    The last heirs were to be protected under any cost; and so were sent to be in Ovronyth with house Drakana.

  • 1919 AT


    Ligurian Consolidation
    Population Migration / Travel

    Once the larger cities began to fall, much of the population fled to neighbouring nations, with the remainder collected in the capital. The capital was reinforced as a last stand against the calamity, to fend off the coming storm

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  • 1920 AT

    Death of Ligurian Magic
    Disaster / Destruction

    For years magic had been ailing, with ties being frayed and even the greatest mage struggling to cast a simple enchantment. Yet this time was different, ties to the land were entirely severed, with portals closing and cities falling from the sky. In the capital, magic remained faint, yet even that soon began to fade.

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  • 1927 AT

    1930 AT


    The Fall of Liguria
    Disaster / Destruction

    Even the ancient capital of Liguria could not stand against the cold, so reliant on magic were they. The battle lasted for three years, yet even then they fell just the same.

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  • 1930 AT

    1933 AT


    The Great Ligurian Migration
    Population Migration / Travel

    The fall of Liguria signalled the fall of a utopia. Though much of the population escaped into Ebreolia through the portals, many did not survive the winter. The great houses fell; with their survivors following the lead of the Ligurian Dynasty into Ebreolia.

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  • 1933 AT

    1973 AT

    The Disappearance of the Great Houses

    While many expected the Ligurian Dynasty to reappear and claim their rightful place as Ebreolia's ruler, not a single member had been seen since the fall of Liguria. The great houses had seemingly vanished from the world, with not a trace left behind.

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  • 1937 AT

    Battle of the Eastern Forests
    Military: War

    The value of the mountain forests to the east had always been debated, yet never before had their been a more promising prize. The Eastern Dragon bid her loyal pup to seize her treasure, and so she did.

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  • 1937 AT


    Battle of the Eastern Gorge
    Military: Battle

    One of the largest and hardest fought battles of the war was that of the Eastern Gate. The gap in the mountain pass was well defended by cities along it’s length, with nigh infinite supplies from the eastern cities. Yet the magic of the Kitsune is not one to be trifled with, and so too did they fall, one by one.

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  • 1945 AT

    Ovronythii Abdication
    Political event

    With the collapse of Liguria and the great houses nowhere to be seen, House Drakana was the defacto ruler of the Ligurian Dynasty. With no need to interfere in Ebreolian affairs, they detached themselves from the age-old alliance.

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  • 1948 AT

    1953 AT

    Battle for New Liguria
    Military: War

    Once the storms had settled over Liguria, leaving it as a wasteland, and with no sight of the great houses in years, the Ligurian vassal states of northern Stael warred against each other in a desperate battle for unification, and a wish for a new Liguria

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  • 1953 AT

    Ebreolian Collapse

    Without the guiding hand of it's mother and the disappearance of the great houses, the puppet-state of Ebreolia quickly devolved into myriad warring states.

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  • 1953 AT

    Ligurian Pretender

    With the seeming victory over it’s fellow vassal states, the Syltharien “empire” rose to power and renamed it’s capital to ‘New Liguria’

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  • 1956 AT

    1973 AT

    Ebreolian Warring States
    Military: War

    From petty queendoms to squabbling republics and despots, the warring period was one of constant political uproar. Many a nation had been rent asunder by its own internal divisions; while more still were broken and rebuilt by their enemies.

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  • 1957 AT

    1963 AT

    Second Ligurian Collapse

    The young four-year-old empire would not last a decade, in just a few years they would return to nothing more than another wayward child of old Liguria, grasping for a lost utopia.

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  • 1973 AT

    Reappearance of the Great Houses
    Political event

    With this age of strife having no end in sight and the three princesses having grown restless in their duties, the great houses, with the Ligurian heirs at their head, made themselves known to the world.

  • 1973 AT


    The loyal Ebreolians bow their heads
    Political event

    When word of the dragons return first reached the warring realm of Ebreolia, many threw down their swords and swore fealty to their empress; vowing to fight for her to unite the realm.

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  • 1974 AT


    The rabid dogs bite their mother's hand
    Political event

    Many of the pretenders would not so willingly bow their heads; and so they would be brought to heel.

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  • 1974 AT

    1976 AT

    Ebreolian Unification
    Military: War

    The Ligurian Dragons had been raised in turmoil, seen war all around them, but most of all, they all knew well the ways of war. The campaign of Ebreolian unification was swift and clean as their armies swept over the land.

  • 1976 AT

    A Ligurian on the Ebreolian Throne
    Life, Relocation

    Though spending almost 60 years ruling a foreign court, the princesses were no strangers to ruling. In the guise of Ovronythii heirs, they had ruled for these many years and perfected their craft, yet still they look to their home; Liguria.

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  • 1976 AT


    The Ligurian Dragon Soars Again

    With Ebreolia unified, the three Ligurian Dragons took their place on the throne, bringing with them the guiding hand of a mother than had been so dearly missing.

  • 1976 AT

    1984 AT

    Ebreolian Restoration
    Construction beginning/end

    Fires still rages and cities still fell, yet the new empresses would not rest until order was restored. Much of their early ruling years were spent rebuilding Ebreolia, as well as building new monuments for learning and econimic stability.

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  • 1976 AT


    Imperial Academy Restoration

    The Ebreolian royal academy had spent centuries in squalor, yet that would not do in this new realm. The academy was rebuilt greater than ever before and given to the ancient house of Preshyra, who would continue to teach the next generation of mages as they had done for thousands of years.

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  • 1976 AT


    A True Ligurian Wedding

    On the Seventy-Sixth year of the Age of Turmoil, the entirety of Ebreolia, and the world, would watch as the last Ligurian heirs were wed. It was a ceremony for the ages, one to celebrate not only the destined union, but also the second hope for Liguria.

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  • 1977 AT

    Ovronythii Loyalty Reinstated
    Political event

    With the marriage of the Ligurian princesses, the houses of Liguria are united once more. For all eternity, the dragons shall rule the skies, land and sea.

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  • 1977 AT


    Rebirth of the Timniara Grand Assembly

    The Timniara Grand Assembly was once a great faction of mages in Liguria under the direct control of the empress. Due to this, house Preshyra has always been close to the Ligurian Dynasty, with intermarriage common in the early days, and now as a branch of the main dynasty.

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  • 1981 AT

    Free Cities Reinstate Fealty
    Gathering / Conference

    Ever loyal to Liguria, the free cities had gained and brought much prosperity under the protection of Liguria, and so sought the opportunity to do the same in a new era.

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  • 1988 AT

    1997 AT

    Reclimation of Northern Stael
    Military action

    Northern Stael had been the domain of Liguria for hundreds of years, and so will continue to be for hundreds more. Once Ebreolia regained it's strength, there was nothing the wayward daughters could do once their mother returned to claim her lands.

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  • 1997 AT


    Execution of the "Ligurian" royal family

    Though it had been thirty four years since the Ligurian pretenders fell, they had still brought shame to the Ligurian name, and were hunted down to the last member and slaughtered.

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Age of Prosperity

2000 and beyond

The three dragons rest on their hoards, with the storm of the eternal winter dying down and the clash of blades fading into memory.

  • 2003 AP


    Ovronythii Western Expansion
    Military action

    Over a series of bloody wars, the steel dragons set their sights on their neighbouring nations once the Ligurian Dynasty was assured safety once more. As was the treaty signed over a thousand years ago in the creation of their house; the house of Drakana shall be the eternal guardians of Talandria, protecting their sisters from the souther hordes.

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  • 2014 AP

    Expansion of the Ovronythii Railway Network

    In the Iron-rich land of Ovronyth, the network of locomotives has always been one of it's defining features, and with this new age of trade it has only expanded.

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  • 2017 AP

    A Land United
    Political event

    In a new age of peace, the dragons signed a trade agreement for the property of all their lands and people. Yet though the surface my be serene and calm, below the surface conflict boils

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  • 2046 AP

    Southern Stael Rebellion

    Having spent years neglected in favour of the eastern provinces, the cities of southern Altenas attempted to rebel, yet far too little joined the cause, leaving it a futile whine into the void of history.

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  • 2047 AP

    2054 AP

    River of Silk
    Construction beginning/end

    In light of the southern cities complaints, the empress had towns built along the rivers edge, as well as a trade route from east to west. The river of silk, which stretches across most of Stael, became a source of great riches for all who availed it.

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  • 2087 AP

    Reclimation of Liguria

    With the storms beginning to calm and whatever caused the calamity seemingly vanished, the dragon heirs would reclaim their birthright. Though it may be many years before rebuilding is possible, the twin isles once again are united.

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  • 2121 AP

    Ebreolian colony on Stael

    The mountains of southern Strael had been untouched for centuries, leaving the precious metals to waste away, yet the new empress would not have it be so.

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