Sir Whimsicott's Guild report - 0.2.23 agf Part 1

Strange Wares - Part 1

A group of adventurers from the guild, were hired to guard the Dig Site while the scholars prepped the site and conducted research.


As they journeyed, they were attacked by a vicious wyvern, looking to make a meal from them, as they are known to frequent the Dinga Hills! However they proved a match for the beast! felling it and claiming its corpse for their loot!


While they were on the way, they encountered a strange merchant, who was stuck on the road, and thanked them for their help by giving them items from his wagon basically for free!


They got to the dig site, and the tree of them were led to the guardhouse, a ruined building (maybe a church) long abandoned by the locals and the monks that built it. they set up camp and slept for the night.


When they woke up, they found themselves being robbed by a group of bandits! but it was worse than they feared! they had been trapped in the old items the merchant had given them!


The thieves picked up the items, and the heroes learned how to communicate and regain some faculties. This spooked the bandits, who found they could not drop the items no matter what they tried!


After convincing their unlikely allies to help, they agreed to hunt down the merchant and get him to reverse this curse!


After stopping at the small trading post that services the dig site, they learned that the merchant was heading to the small smithing town of "Axilon" just south of the guild!


(So ends part 1!)

Part 2 in Axilon!' Guild report - 0.2.23 agf Part 2


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