The Ferry Man
Meet the master of the Grave. Sooner or later, most people do.
The ferry man is the overworked lacky of The Silent Queen constantly rowing across the world of Elanora ferrying the dead to their proper afterlife.
As he is constantly going place to place, he sometimes misses people who come back as ghosts or worse. If he notices his mistake, he will disguise himself as a humanoid and issues a bounty for the ghosts/etc and once they're delt with he turns up later to pick up the lost soul.
Despite his important job he is fairly lenient allowing clerics to revive their fallen allies, and for a price he can revive the fallen himself.
The River of Stories is his domain. The Ferry Man is the last person most mortals encounter who will listen to their story without judgement, as the next they encounter will be the Silent Queen. The River has its own defences to prevent meddling mortals from traversing its waters without the Ferry Man's blessing.
He was once a soldier and a captain loyal to The Cackling Vulture, but defected during his attempted coup in the Shadowlands. He has a particular sympathy for those who died having to choose between their loyalty and their honor.