Alterer 2

Class GroupWizard
Ability Score RequirementsIntelligence 9
Wisdom 15
Prime RequisiteIntelligence
Races Allowed


Alignments AllowedAny
The AltererSpellSlotsperSpellLevel
LevelXP NeededHit Dice (d4)THAC0/BAB123456789
1This bonus spell slot can only be used to prepare a spell of the school of Abjuration.

Class Features

Hit Points

Hit Dice (Levels 1-9): 1d4 + HP Adjustment per level
Hit Dice (Levels 10+): +1 HP per level

Starting Equipment

Start with a spellbook and (1d4+1) x 10 gp to purchase starting equipment with. Can keep left over money.
Using the Alternate Starting Wealth house rule, the alterer can instead begin play with a spellbook and 30 gp or the following pre-selected equipment:

Combat Proficiency

  • Cannot wear armor and cast spells at the same time.
  • Allowed to use daggers, quarterstaves, darts, knives, slings and light crossbows.


Non-Weapon Proficiencies

  • Starts with 4 Non-Weapon Proficiencies.
  • Gains a Non-Weapon Proficiency every multiuple of 3 levels (level 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18).
  • Can choose a Non-Weapon Proficiency at normal cost in the General and Wizard categories.
  • Can choose a Non-Weapon Proficiency at +1 cost from any other category.

Weapon Proficiencies

  • Starts at Level 1 with 1 Weapon Proficiency Slot
    • -5 Penalty to hit with weapons without proficiency.
  • Gains a Weapon Proficiency Slot every multiple of 6 levels (level 6, 12, 18).


Restricted Schools

Alterers cannot learn spells from the schools of Abjuration or Necromancy unless that spell is also from the school of Alteration.

Learn Spells Roll

The learn spell roll can be found by looking up the Intelligence Ability Score table.

Starting Spells

There are multiple rules for how to obtain your starting spells, and your GM will choose which option you will be using.
Guaranteed Versatility
  • At 1st-level the spell book contains 5 spells.
    • 1 of the starting spells must be read magic
    • The alterer then gains one offensive, one defensive, and one other spell. The final spell is a randomly chosen spell from the school of Alteration.
    • The alterer need not make a Learn Spells roll for any of these spells as they are assumed to have learned them over the course of their long apprenticeship.
Fast Learner
  • At 1st-level the spell book contains 3d4 1st-level spells.
    • 2 of the starting spells must be read magic and detect magic.
    • The rest of the starting spells can be chosen from universal magic spells (1st-level spells only) without making a learn spells roll. Or make learn spells rolls for non-universal magic spells. The Alterer can also choose one spell from the school of Alteration (1st-level spells only) without making a learn spells roll.
    • The GM may assign you spells instead to start with.
Spells of Choice
  • At 1st-level, the alterer chooses 1st-level spells they wish to gain and must roll learn spells checks for each spell, stopping when all 1st-level spells have been exhausted or when the alterer has learned their maximum number of spells.
    • No spells are guaranteed using this method, and there is a chance that the alterer starts with 0 spells, having to resort to finding spells through other means and fighting with weapons until that point.

Learning New Spells

  • Can only learn spells of a level for which you have spell slots.
  • Can learn a spell from another's spell book with a learn spells roll.
  • Gain 1 spell when leveling up. This spell must be from the school of Alteration, and must be approved by the DM.
  • The maximum number of spells you can learn per level can be found by looking up the Intelligence Ability Score table.

Casting Spells

  • A wizard cannot just cast any spell they have learned. They must memorize these spells into appropriate spell slots ahead of time.
  • The wizard can only cast spells that they have memorized. The wizard cannot cast that spell again once cast, until they return to their spell book and memorizes it again.
  • A wizard cannot choose to forget a memorized spell to replace it with another one. They can, however, cast a spell just to cleanse his mind for another spell.

Special Features

  • +1 bonus to saving throws against Alteration spells
    • At 8th level, this bonus increases to +2.
    • At 11th level, this bonus increases to +3.
      • These bonuses apply to Alteration-like Items/Wands as well as spells.
  • Non-Alterers hit by an alteration spell save at a -1 penalty.
    • This penalty increases to -2 if the target is a specialist of an opposition school (abjuration or necromancy).
    • +15% chance when learning an alteration spell
    • -15% chance when learning spells from other schools.
    • Cannot learn spells from the schools of Abjuration, Necromancy, Alchemy, Artifice, Geometry, Song, or Wild Magic unless they are also Alteration spells

Saving Throws

Experience LevelParalyzation, Poison, or Death MagicRod, Staff, or WandPetrification or Polymorph1Breath Weapon2Spell3
1Excluding polymorph wand attacks.
2Excluding those that cause petrification or polymorph.
3Excluding those for which another saving throw type is specified, such as death, petrification, polymorph, etc.

Alterer Spells








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