

Species Distribution

  • Lagi 100%
    • Meadow Lagi 100%

Wealth Class Demographics

  • Nobility and Aristocracy 0%
  • Upper Class (Merchants, Successful Craftsmen) 100%
  • Middle Class (Skilled Workers, Shopkeepers) 0%
  • Lower Class (Laborers, Unskilled Workers) 0%
  • Impoverished (Beggars, Homeless) 0%

Religious Affiliations Demographics

  • Worshipers of the Lagi Pantheon 87%
    • Worshipers of Lumina 62%
    • Worshipers of Brightberry 38%
  • Worshipers of the Halfling Pantheon 11%
    • Worshipers of Marataram 82%
    • Worshipers of Malliennae 18%
  • Worshipers of the Gnomish Pantheon 2%
    • Worshipers of Voli Thickettamer 100%


Like most lagi communities, the government of Merrymeadow is a hard thing to place down. The closest to a human understanding of government would be that Merrymeadow is led by a council, however even those outside of the 'council' do not seem to be beholden to them at all.   The lagi all seem to care for themselves and for each other, with little care for any actual form of government so long as what is in place keeps everyone happy.


The lagi favor stealth over aggression, and their settlements are designed to look like nothing more than a rabbit's burrow, allowing them to blend in with the surrounding environment.
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