
Lagi are a tiny humanoid Fey race native to Faerie that resemble rabbits.


Lagi are rabbit-like creatures with extended feet and prolonged, often drooping, ears. They typically stand under 2 feet tall and weigh only a dozen or two pounds. Lagi have deceptively powerful legs and particularly keen senses, and when they run on all fours, they resemble any ordinary rabbit. While the lagi typically mean well, they do have a temper that can go hot sometimes, and often stomp their big feet to show discontent.


  • Meadow Lagi - Often thought of as the standard lagi, meadow lagi live lives of peace and comfort within the lush plains of Faerie, surrounded by flowers and berries.
  • Horned Lagi - A subrace of lagi thought to have been created using an al-mi'raj as a base, this race has coarser, more tanned hair and a single large black horn sprouting from its head. These lagi are highly nomadic, never settling down in any one place and often accompanying gnori on their travels.
  • Sandswept Lagi - A subrace of lagi living deep in the deserts of Faerie, able to easily burrow through the shifting sands. The lagi love nothing more than the succulent fruit growing from the different cacti of the desert.
  • Frostwind Lagi - These bright white and icy blue rabbits are native to the far snowy reaches of Faerie, blending in amidst the snowdrifts and ice.


Lagi are eccentric and happy creatures, with very little being able to take away their joy. They like to share with others and one of their greatest joys in life is finding a beautiful flower, both to look at and to eat. When they do get angry, it typically only lasts for a short while before the lagi goes back to being a fuzzy ball of happiness, brightening the lives of those around it.   Despite their typically frail and fragile appearance, lagi have an adventurous streak that often takes then far from home as soon as they grow old enough to travel on their own. Despite this, they do try to return home often, energetically retelling the tales of places they've gone and things they've seen. Due to this, they often make particularly good bards.   The lagi's love of joy and peace is so strong that there is a rumor telling that an evil or wrathful lagi is a sign of horrible times to come.


Lagi typically prefer to avoid combat whenever able, not enjoying the spilling of blood, and prefer to talk things out or try to pretend to be an ordinary rabbit and hop away. However, they can be staunch defenders of joy should they need to, fighting with grim determination before quickly returning to their joyful self.


Lagi society is small, typically consisting of numerous small burrow-like dens close to each other. They are highly sociable and love meeting and talking with new people, and thus these communities expand quickly, but the adventurous streak of the lagi also brings them far from home, keeping the size of any one community in check.


The lagi are native to the Plane of Faerie, where it is believed that they were originally created by some of the very first gnori as they ascended from their gnomish ancestors and were still filled with immense amounts of magic. They rarely leave Faerie, and some have reported to slowly find themselves become more dull-witted and saddened when leaving the bright and colorful scene of Faerie. Despite this, there are some records of lagi who travel to the Prime, but these adventurers almost always end up turning back and returning to Faerie when possible.


Lagi culture is a hard thing to pin down. With how much the lagi tend to travel in the early portions of their lives, they collect bits of cultures from all over—typically anything that brings them joy—and return with it to their homes where they end up spreading it amongst the community. As such, any individual community of lagi is a conglomerate of accumulated cultures of others.   The lagi do have a long history of oral story-telling, though how much of these stories is true and how much was fabricated to make it happier, brighter, or overall more enjoyable is hard to say.


Lagi have their own gods, but also often end up following some gods of other cultures they interact with. Of these, the most common they "borrow" gods of are the halflings, gnomish, and felarid gods.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

The lagi have a very quick gestation period, being only about two months long, and typically bearing upwards of 10 babies, which are referred to as "kits". The average number of children is closer to 4, however, and such large sized litters are cause for rejoice throughout the community.

Growth Rate & Stages

Lagi grow exceptionally quickly, and by the time a lagi is 3 years of age, they are ready to leave home on their own for their first adventure, which they are not expected to come back from for upwards of a full year. The lagi live short but exceptionally joyful and adventurous lives, being considered elders at 15 years old. The oldest lagi to live was recorded to have died at 24 years old.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Lagi are herbivores, loving wild grasses and especially flowers and fruits. While they are, as a general rule, lightweights when it comes to drinking, lagi love wine. They make special wine with recipes that often vary from community to community that—while weak in comparison to just about any other culture—is perfect for the lagi and is made from wild berries and flowers.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Lagi tend to have nature-inspired names inspired by the flora and fauna of their homeland. These names only reflect the happy side of nature, and include names such as Meadow, Willow, Clover, Sunrose, and Dewdrop. As a rule, they never include things that are painful or "sad" in the eyes of the lagi, such as thorns, brambles, and darkness.   However, due to the adventurous nature of the lagi, many communities include naming conventions from other cultures, and so names inspired by the felarids, gnomes, and halflings are not uncommon, often blending with their own. Other cultures are more rare, but still common. Such names may include Smiles-like-Sunshine, Quickfoot, and Berrygrace.

Beauty Ideals

Among the lagi, larger ears are typically considered more attractive, and floppier ears are seen as nicer than stiff ears. The more pink a lagi's nose is, the more attractive they are seen to be, and big, clear eyes are seen as a beauty mark.

Gender Ideals

The lagi do not have strict gender roles, with both genders often leaving home around the same time. Occasionally, they will leave together forming small wandering bands which they refer to as a Bundle.   When at home, both genders do general chores and foraging, with males going further from home or to more dangerous locales—such as climbing a tree—to get fresher or more exciting foodstuffs.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The lagi have their own language—an energetic and joyful noise that is difficult for other races to learn due to the amount of inflections an high-pitched noises accompanying different positions at which the ears are held to mean different things. Outside of this, the lagi excitedly learn new languages whenever they can, as more languages means more people they can talk to. As such, they tend to know different languages of the fey peoples, including the Sylvan tongue shared amongst many of them.

Common Etiquette Rules

One of the most important courtesies in lagi culture is that of gift giving. A newcoming to a community tends to bring small gifts for those that run the new community, and when a lagi leaves a community, they often receive similar small trinkets. They have no problem with giving these new trinkets away when they visit a new community, and as such these gifts get passed around between lagi quite often.   Even when not in lagi territory, a new lagi may end up trying to give gifts to those it sees as being in charge—whether that happens to be an innkeeper that has just given them a room, a friendly gnori child that came up with a new game for their friends, or even the king of a country.

Common Dress Code

There is no true dress code for the lagi, and when they are in their own communities, they rarely wear more than a cloak. They favor bright colors and intricate designs on their clothing, and they tend to stand out because of it should they ever leave Faerie—even more than a bipedal rabbit already does!
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Game Statistics

Custom System
To Be Made

5th Edition
Ability Score Adjustment
Your Charisma score increases by 2, but your Strength score is reduced by 2.
Creature Type
Native to Faerie, the lagi are a type of Fey.
Lagi grow exceptionally quickly, and by the time a lagi is 3 years of age, they are ready to leave home on their own for their first adventure, which they are not expected to come back from for upwards of a full year. The lagi live short but exceptionally joyful and adventurous lives, being considered elders at 15 years old. The oldest lagi to live was recorded to have died at 24 years old.
Lagi typically stand under 2 feet tall and weigh only a dozen or two pounds. Your size is Tiny.
Your base land speed is 20 feet.
On All Fours
While unencumbered and holding nothing in either hand, you can run on all fours. While running in this way, you gain a +20 bonus to your base land speed.
Two Rabbit's Feet
Lagi are exceptionally lucky creatures. Once per turn, when you fail a saving throw or miss an attack roll, you can choose to reroll the saving throw or attack roll, taking the new result. You can do so twice, regaining all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Frail Frame
You lose one hit point, and lose one additional hit point each time you gain a level.
Tiny Size
You are a tiny creature, and can only use tiny equipment. The cost for such equipment is the same as its Medium-sized counterpart, but it deals one die size less of damage than a normal weapon of its size.
You can speak, read, and write Sylvan and Lagimi.


4th Edition
To Be Made

3.5th Edition
To Be Made

2nd Edition
Ability Score Adjustment. The initial ability scores are modified by a +1 bonus to Dexterity and Charisma, and a -1 penalty to Strength.
Strength 3 17
Dexterity 10 19
Constitution 6 18
Intelligence 4 18
Wisdom 4 17
Charisma 7 18
Fighter 12
‎ ‎ ‎Paladin
‎ ‎ ‎Ranger 14
‎ ‎ ‎Barbarian
Mage 9
‎ ‎ ‎Specialist
‎ ‎ ‎Warlock 9
Cleric 11
‎ ‎ ‎Druid 7
‎ ‎ ‎Monk 9
‎ ‎ ‎Shaman
Thief 13
‎ ‎ ‎Assassin 6
‎ ‎ ‎Bard 17
  Special Advantages. A lagi with both of its hands free can run on all fours, increasing its speed to 18. A lagi with more than normal encumbrance cannot do this.   Lagi are exceptionally lucky creatures. Once per day, a lagi can reroll a failed saving throw or attack roll, taking the new result.   Lagi have powerful hind legs, allowing them to leap great distances, but the attempt does take a lot of energy. Three times per day, a lagi can leap a number of feet equal to four times its strength score horizontally, or twice its strength score vertically.   Lagi gain a +2 bonus to Armor Class against opponents of Medium size, or a +4 bonus against opponents larger than man-sized.   Special Disadvantages. Due to their short stature, a lagi only has a speed of 6.   Lagi are naturally exceptionally frail creatures, and receive one less hit point per level (minimum of 1 hit point per level).   Lagi equipment is very small, and deals one die size less of damage than a normal weapon of its size.   Role-Playing Suggestions. Lagi are joyful and kind-hearted creatures, seeking to further spread this happiness to all around. They are kindly to everyone, but especially to those who are already happy. They believe that sadness is a contagion that can be spread quickly and should be avoided.   The lagi have an adventurous spirit and rarely feel any need to align themselves with any sorts of codes or laws. As such, lagi culture is rather hectic from an onlooker, but the lagi maneuver it very easily.   Languages. Lagi, Brownie, Centaur, Dryad, Elvish, Felid, Giant Eagle, Gnomish, Gnori, Halfling, Pixie, Sylvan, Treant, Common   Monstrous Traits. Appearance, size   Superstitions. The world has emotions, and sad places are to be avoided at all costs. A happy person can always be trusted, and a sad person is dangerous to be around or else it might spread.   Weapon Proficiencies. Club, composite shortbow, light crossbow, dagger, dart, mace, knife, shortsword, scimitar, sickle, sling, spear. Due to the adventurous nature of lagi, an individual community may have weapons added to or removed from this list.   Nonweapon Proficiencies. Acting, alertness, animal noise, astrology, healing, herbalism, hiding, religion, running, singing, spellcraft, survival (forests), survival (plains), weather sense, weaving, winemaking

Pathfinder 2nd Edition
To Be Made
20 years
Average Height
Average Weight
6-15 pounds


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