Ivix'yatum, 13-times perfected

Eugenicist Supreme Ivix'yatum , 13-times perfected

Mental characteristics


Ivix'yatum, 13-times perfected, currently presides as the Eugenicist Supreme of the Prime Eugenicists. Under her stewardship, the organization has adopted a notably more aggressive approach towards achieving its goal of creating the ultimate lifeform to resolve the perennial conflicts over species supremacy. Ivix'yatum's leadership marks a pivotal evolution from the group's original focus on self-experimentation and gene splicing with various flora and fauna. Now, the Prime Eugenicists are involved in the clandestine capture of sentient beings for the extraction and study of "evolved genetics," reflecting a radical push towards genetic experimentation that many see as crossing ethical boundaries. Her role not only makes her a central figure in the ongoing genetic manipulation debates but also paints a target on the organization from multiple systems where their operations have expanded. Ivix'yatum's relentless pursuit of genetic perfection through advanced and often controversial methodologies underscores her pivotal role in the organization's vision and activities.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Ivix'yatum's career within the Prime Eugenicists is marked by significant scientific breakthroughs and controversial advancements in genetic engineering. One of her notable accomplishments is the development of the GeneForge Protocol, a revolutionary process that integrates multiple alien DNA sequences to enhance physical and cognitive abilities. This protocol has been instrumental in creating several hybrid species with enhanced survivability in hostile environments. Her work has not only pushed the boundaries of genetic engineering but has also spurred debates on bioethics and the implications of such radical enhancements.   Under Ivix'yatum's guidance, the Prime Eugenicists have also successfully established a network of hidden research facilities across multiple star systems. These bases are at the forefront of experimental bioengineering, where Ivix'yatum oversees the development of advanced biotech implants and prosthetics that significantly improve life quality and functionality for various species. Her initiative to integrate numerous forms of DNA together has led to the creation of biotech augmentations that seamlessly merge with present organic tissues, allowing the collection of numerous "upgrades" sources from countless different creatures, providing both medical and combat applications that have been adopted by several frontier colonies for their militia and medical personnel.   Beyond the laboratory, Ivix'yatum's influence extends into the political arena, where she has successfully negotiated with planetary governments to establish protected biomes for the study and preservation of hybrid species. These biomes serve as both sanctuaries and living laboratories, contributing to the understanding of ecological interactions and evolutionary processes under controlled conditions. Her diplomatic efforts have garnered support from various factions that see the value in her work, promoting a somewhat grudging respect amongst even her detractors, chiefly the Xenowardens who respect the creation of safe-havens for natural life, but are disgusted by her and her organization's approach to "artificial evolution".

Failures & Embarrassments

Despite her groundbreaking advancements, Ivix'yatum's career has not been without its failures and public embarrassments. One significant setback occurred during the early stages of her GeneForge Protocol, where an attempt to hybridize two particularly volatile species resulted in the creation of a highly aggressive creature that escaped containment. The incident caused widespread panic and led to severe damage to one of their main research facilities. This failure not only questioned the safety protocols of the Prime Eugenicists but also fueled public outcry against genetic tampering, setting back their research considerably as they faced increased scrutiny and regulatory pushback.   Another embarrassing episode in Ivix'yatum's tenure was her miscalculation in a high-profile alliance with a prominent interstellar corporation that sought to commercialize some of the biotech enhancements developed by the Prime Eugenicists. The partnership soured when it was revealed that the corporation had secretly patented the technologies, planning to monopolize the market without acknowledging the Prime Eugenicists' contribution. The public fallout was immense, as Ivix'yatum was criticized for her naiveté in business dealings and her overemphasis on scientific pursuits at the cost of ethical and legal oversight. This incident significantly tarnished her reputation and that of her organization, portraying them as easy targets for corporate exploitation.   Furthermore, Ivix'yatum's aggressive approach to acquiring genetic samples has led to numerous diplomatic incidents, including an unauthorized expedition into a protected planetary reserve that resulted in the inadvertent destruction of a rare ecosystem. The debacle not only resulted in legal actions against the Prime Eugenicists but also sparked international debate over the ethics of their methods. The incident severely damaged relations with several key allies and positioned the organization as a pariah in the scientific community, which had previously tolerated their more radical approaches due to the potential benefits.

Morality & Philosophy

Ivix'yatum's philosophy is deeply rooted in the belief that the pursuit of genetic perfection and the evolution of species are paramount, transcending conventional moral boundaries. She views genetic experimentation not only as a scientific endeavor but as a moral imperative to elevate sentient beings to their highest potential, thereby resolving conflicts rooted in biological disparities. This utilitarian approach, focused on the greater good of ending species supremacy conflicts, often leads her to make decisions that prioritize scientific progress over individual rights and ethics. Her morality is shaped by a vision of a future where genetic engineering can create harmony and equality, albeit at the cost of current ethical standards and individual freedoms.
Current Location
Year of Birth
139 DG 462 Years old
Black, Round
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale skin, beat red "Heart body"
Aligned Organization


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