Prime Eugenicists

Even from the days of warring over space for farmland, people fought over the ideals of species and racial purity and supremacy. These ideas have only become more relevant in an era where hundreds, or even thousands, more species are all around, vying for the number one spot. In an attempt to end this problem once and for all, the Prime Eugenicists have come together to create an artificial species that can claim the title once and for all, ending the needless conflicts.   History
The Prime Eugenicists were founded by Halicon Tetchark as a way to help end needless wars and slaughter, ending the arguments of species supremacy through the creation of a true ultimate species. The organization started shortly after the Gap ended, after Triune had granted the universe the gift of the Drift. Having recently managed to cut themselves off from the Swarm, the shirren had begun their idea of seeking the greater good in all things. Halicon, believing these ideals could benefit others, set out through the drift and happened upon the Origin System, finding it in a state of disarray. Arguments and wars still ravaged the land, fighting over borders, species, and just about everything else.   The Eugenicists gathered all sorts of animals and similar creatures and plants, splicing genes from them and experimenting on themselves in order to "achieve their true selves" while others experimented on the animals themselves. Some consider the Eugenicists to have been the true original source of uplifted animals and other creations such as entu colonies and symbiotes, though this is not confirmed and the creations of these species is still shrouded in some mystery.   As time went on and the experiments continued, Halicon felt a calling further from the Origin System and stepped down, allowing a loanbularan by the name of Ivix'yatum to step up as the new Head Splicer. Under his rule, the group has become much more aggressive, and has begun secretly capturing sentient beings to conduct more experiments and extract "evolved genetics".

Enlisted Ranks

  1. Recruit. New member undergoing basic training.
  2. Cadet. Completed basic training, learning the basics of the group.
  3. Apprentice. The member has gained some field experience, and is able to assist higher ranks in experiments and missions, and can begin leading minor missions by taking on three cadets at a time.
  4. Specialist. Fully trained, specialists conduct standard operations and experiments.
  5. Corporal. An experience member, typically found leading mid-tier missions with squads of specialists and apprentices, or overseeing minor experiments as second-in-command under a researcher.
  6. Sergeant. Sergeants lead teams both at home and in the field, often leading three groups through corporals.
  7. Master Sergeant. Oversees three sergeants, leading a total of nine squads. Master sergeants are typically the most experienced member found in great supply in the field.
  8. Master Sergeant First Class. One step above master sergeants, these members are highly experienced and lead large-scale field teams, consisting of 81 people on average, being three master sergeants and everyone below them.
  9. Enforcer. Highly skilled, enforcers rarely end up leaving home station without great need to do so, working behind the scenes to command mass amounts of people.
  10. Master Enforcer. The top enlisted rank, master enforcers are expected to be a master in both combat and life sciences. They work to ensure discipline and execute orders from the top down. There is rarely, if ever, more than one master enforcer per station.


  1. Second Lieutenant. Second Lieutenants are entry-level officer in training.
  2. First Lieutenant. First lieutenants command small teams, responsible for planning and executing minor missions.
  3. Captain. Captains lead larger teams, overseeing more complex projects and operations.
  4. Major. Majors command units, being responsible for strategic planning and implementation of mid-level missions.
  5. Lieutenant Colonel. Lieutenant colonels are senior officers, overseeing entire systems or regions, and directing major initiatives.
  6. Colonel. Colonels coordinate operations across multiple systems, leading large-scale missions.
  7. Brigadier General. Brigadier generals are high-ranking officers, responsible for strategic decisions and regional command.
  8. Major General. Major generals are senior officers, overseeing strategic planning for large territories.
  9. Lieutenant General. Lieutenant generals are top-level officer, coordinating operations across vast regions, and managing high-level strategy.
  10. General. The highest of officer ranks in normal time periods. Generals set long-term goals, policies, and lead massive amounts of people.
  11. Eugenicist Supreme. An abnormal rank that only ever exists with a single member at a time. The Eugenicist Supreme is the leader of the Prime Eugenicists.

Researcher Ranks

  1. Associate. Entry-level researcher, assists in experiments and data collection.
  2. Junior Researcher. Conducts basic research tasks, supports researchers and senior researchers.
  3. Researcher. Fully trained, responsible for standard research operations and experiments.
  4. Senior Researcher. Experienced researcher, leads small research teams and manages research projects.
  5. Lead Researcher. Oversees larger research projects and mentors junior researchers.
  6. Principal Investigator. Manages high-level research projects, responsible for significant advancements.
  7. Chief Researcher. Senior researcher, oversees multiple projects, and coordinates with field operations.
  8. Research Director. Manages entire research departments, sets research priorities and goals.
  9. Senior Research Director. High-level director, responsible for strategic direction of research efforts.
  10. Prime Scientist. Top researcher rank, leading expert in eugenic life sciences, directs all research and development activities within the organization.

Scientific Trailblazers
Eugenicist Supreme Ivix'yatum, 13-times perfected
New Future, Tasto, The Origin System
Create the perfect lifeform


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