Wonelone (Whoa-nel-own)

Ability Modifiers +2 Con, +2 Wis, -2 Cha
Hit Points 7

Size and Type

Wonelones are Medium monstrous humanoids with the aquatic subtype.

Wonelone Movement

Wonelones have a base speed of 25 feet and a swim speed of 30 feet.


Wonelones can breathe both water and air, and have the Amphibious universal trait.

Deep-Sea Vision

Wonelones have Low-Light Vision and Darkvision with a range of 60 feet.

Shell Armor

Wonelones have a tough exoskeleton that grants them a +1 racial bonus to Fortitude saves.

Cold Resistance

Living in the deep sea, the wonelones are resilient against cold temperatures. They have resistance 5 to cold damage which stacks with one other source of cold resistance.

Regenerative Body

Wonelones have extremely powerful ability to regenerate their bodies. Wonelones regain twice the number of hit points from rest, and can regenerate a lost limb over the course of 1 week. Additionally, whenever a wonelone regains hit points from a supernatural effect, he or she regains additional hit points equal to his or her constitution modifier.

Alternate Ability Adjustments

Some Wonelones fall outside of the norms for their race. These variations typically occur more frequently among those living on the floating coral islands or in unique underwater environments. They grant the listed ability score adjustments instead of the traditional +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma presented above.

Island Dweller

Wonelones who live primarily on the floating coral islands tend to be more agile and social, but tend to be physically smaller and weaker. Island dweller wonelones have ability adjustments of +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -2 Strength.

Alternate Racial Traits

Some Wonelones exhibit unique adaptations or mutations found within small clusters of their population, represented by the following traits.

Bioluminescent Markings

Some Wonelones have developed bioluminescent markings on their exoskeleton that they can control at will. These Wonelones can use dancing lights as a spell-like ability at will, with a caster level equal to their character level.   This replaces shell armor.

Burrowing Claws

Certain Wonelones have developed powerful claws capable of burrowing through the sand and coral. These Wonelones have a base speed of 20 feet, a burrow speed of 15 feet, and a swim speed of 15 feet.   This modifies wonelone movement.

Coral Camouflage

Some Wonelones have the ability to blend seamlessly into their surroundings. They gain a +4 racial bonus to Stealth checks when in aquatic environments.   This replaces Shell Armor.

Long Legs

Some wonelones have extremely long arms and legs, allowing them to scuttle much faster at the cost of swimming slower. Such wonelones have a base speed of 30 feet and a swim speed of 20 feet.   This modifies wonelone movement.

Resilient Carapace

Some wonelones have particularly tough exoskeletons, providing them with greater protection. Such wonelones gain DR 3/bludgeoning. This stacks with one other source of DR.   This replaces cold resistance.

Natural Weapons (B)

Some wonelones have spring-loaded joints that allow them to unload incredible offenses with their claws at high speeds, similar to a punch. The speed of this attack is so high that it has the force property. If both the wonelone and their the target of this natural weapon are entirely underwater, the attack deals an additional 1d10 fire damage due to a cavitation bubble formed by the punch.   This replaces shell armor and cold resistance.
The Wonelones are a sapient, crustacean-like species native to the ocean world of Wonelos in the Origin System. Adapted to life beneath the waves, they are a resilient and resourceful people with a deep connection to their watery home. Some Wonelones have also established communities on the floating coral islands that dot the planet's surface.

Physical Description

Wonelones resemble a blend of crustaceans and humanoids. They stand between 4 to 6 feet tall, with a tough exoskeleton that ranges in color from deep blues to vibrant greens and reds, allowing them to blend into their surroundings. Their bodies are segmented, with a broad, armored torso, and they possess six limbs: two strong, clawed arms for manipulating objects and four legs adapted for swimming and walking on land. Their heads feature multi-faceted eyes that provide excellent vision in low-light conditions, and they have a pair of long, sensitive antennae that help them navigate and sense their environment.

Home World

The Wonelones primarily live below the waves in vast underwater cities constructed from coral, stone, and bioluminescent organisms. These cities are often built into the sides of underwater mountains or within deep ocean trenches, providing natural protection from the planet's dynamic tides and currents. Their homes are intricately designed, with a focus on communal living and sustainability.   Some Wonelones have adapted to life on the floating coral islands, creating unique hybrid communities that utilize both underwater and surface resources. These islands are formed from massive coral structures and organisms that produce buoyant substances, allowing the islands to float on the ocean's surface. The Wonelones on these islands build homes both above and below the water, creating a seamless blend of aquatic and terrestrial living.

Society and Alignment

Wonelones society is highly communal and cooperative. They value harmony with their environment and have a deep respect for the ocean and its creatures. Their culture is rich with music, art, and storytelling, often inspired by the rhythms and sounds of the sea. They use a variety of natural materials, such as shells, coral, and bioluminescent algae, to create intricate art and tools.   Wonelones governance is typically based on councils of elders and community leaders, who make decisions through consensus. They place a strong emphasis on education and the sharing of knowledge, with a particular focus on marine biology, environmental stewardship, and sustainable living practices. Most wonelones have a neutral good alignment with lawful tendencies.


The Wonelones maintain peaceful and cooperative relationships with other species inhabiting Wonelos and the Origin System. They are known for their hospitality and willingness to share their knowledge and resources. Their deep understanding of the ocean and its ecosystems makes them valuable allies in efforts to protect and preserve the planet's environment.


Wonelones adventurers are often driven by a desire to explore beyond their underwater homes and learn about the wider universe. They excel in roles that require adaptability, resilience, and resourcefulness. Many become skilled navigators, researchers, and diplomats, using their unique abilities and perspectives to bridge gaps between different cultures and species.


Wonelones names often reflect their connection to the sea and their unique physical characteristics. Male names might include Krakar, Thalon, and Zilthar, while female names might include Zelara, Koritha, and Thalina.

Vital Stats

Average Height: 4-6 feet
Average Weight: 250-400 lbs
Age of Maturity: 20 years
Maximum Age: 100 + 10d10 years


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