
Wonelos is the sixth planet from the sun in the Origin System, an ocean world covered almost entirely by water, with only a few small islands dotting its surface.


Wonelos is a relatively small planet characterized by its vast, nearly uninterrupted expanse of water. Almost its entire surface is covered by a massive ocean, interrupted only by a few small islands formed from massive coral structures held aloft by strange buoyant organisms. This ocean is incredibly deep, featuring abyssal trenches, underwater mountain ranges, and thermal vents. The abyssal trenches, some of the deepest points on the planet, are home to unique species adapted to high pressure and darkness, creating isolated ecosystems teeming with life. Majestic underwater mountain ranges rise from the ocean floor, often covered in vibrant coral reefs that support a diverse array of marine species.   Scattered across the ocean floor are thermal vents that release heat and minerals into the surrounding water, creating oases of life in the deep sea. Near the surface, expansive coral reefs flourish in the sunlight, supporting a wide variety of marine life and playing a critical role in the planet's biodiversity. The floating coral islands, small but rich in life, float freely across the surface or even under the surface. Certain areas of the ocean are prone to algal blooms, where dense concentrations of algae create rich feeding grounds for various marine species.   Wonelos is orbited by six moons, each contributing to the planet's complex tidal patterns and marine dynamics. With the different and sometimes irregular orbits of the moons, there is a rolling tide that circles the planet at a constant pace, known as the Whelm on Wonelos.


Coral Rise

The largest island on Wonelos, Coral Rise is a floating marvel held aloft by massive buoyant organisms. This island, though small compared to landmasses on other planets, is a hub of life. Its vibrant coral reefs support an array of marine life, as well as being sturdy enough to build upon for visitors. Coral Rise is also home to a few small wonelone communities who have adapted to both the aquatic and terrestrial environments.

Mastoro Trench

The deepest trench on Wonelos pleunges into the ocean's dark depths, housing unique species adapted to extreme pressure and darkness. This trench has created an isolated ecosystem teeming with life that thrives in its high-pressure, cold, lightless environment. Explorers and scientists are particularly drawn to the Mastoro Trench for its mysterious and largely uncharted territories, offering potential discoveries of new life forms and geological phenomena.

Luminous Fields

On an ocean shelf sits the Luminous Fields, a sprawling coral field that flourishes in the abundant sunlight. This area is a kaleidoscope of colors, with extensive coral formations that support a wide variety of marine species. The Luminous Fields are vital for the planet's biodiversity, serving as breeding and feeding grounds for numerous aquatic creatures. The interplay of sunlight and the vibrant coral creates a mesmerizing underwater landscape that attracts researchers and tourists alike.

Inferno Vent

One of the most remarkable thermal vents is the Inferno Vent, the largest and hottest of the vents acting very much akin to an underwater volcano. The thermal vent's warm, nutrient-rich waters support specialized ecosystems, where chemosynthetic and thermosynthetic organisms form the base of a unique food web. Inferno Vent is a hotspot for scientific study but is only open to certain individuals due to the extreme danger of this locale.


Coral Harbor

The primary settlement on Wonelos, Coral Harbor is located on Coral Rise. This vibrant community thrives on the island's unqiue ecosystem, benefiting from the stability provided by the massive buoyant organisms that keep the island afloat. Coral Harbor is a hub of activity, with a bustling marketplace where traders and merchants exchange goods from across the planet. The settlement is a blend of aquatic and terrestrial architecture, with homes and building constructed from coral and other marine materials. The streets are lined with vibrant coral gardens, and the air is filled with the sounds of marine life. Coral Harbor is also a center for scientific research, and has a small space shuttle bay to land and shuttle individuals up to their ships.


Near the Inferno Vent, the hottest and most active thermal vent on Wonelos, lies the settlement of Ventwatch. This small community is built on a series of study platforms anchored to the ocean floor, designed to withstand the intense heat and pressure of the surrounding environment.   Ventwatch is home to a hardy population of scientists, engineers, and workers who have adapted to the extreme conditions of the area. The settlement's primary focus is on scientific research and resource extraction, with facilities dedicated to studying the chemosynthetic and thermosynthetic organisms that thrive in the nutrient-rich waters.   Ventwatch's infrastructure is designed to harness the thermal energy from the vent, providing power for the settlement's operations. Buildings are constructed with heat-resistant materials, and many are equipped with advanced cooling systems to ensure a livable environment for the residents. The community also includes specialized labs where researchers study the unique adaptations of the vent's inhabitants.



The primary inhabitants of Wonelos are the wonelones, a sapient, crustacean-like species that thrives both below the waves and on the floating coral islands. Wonelones have tough, segmented exoskeletons that range in color from deep blues to vibrant greens and reds, allowing them to blend seamlessly into their aquatic environment. Their multifaceted eyes provide excellent vision in low-light conditions, and their long, sensitive antennae help them navigate the depths. With six limbs—two strong, clawed arms and four legs—they are well-adapted to swimming and walking on land.   Wonelones live in large, communal underwater cities constructed from coral, stone, and bioluminescent organisms. These cities, often built into the sides of underwater mountains or within deep ocean trenches, are marvels of engineering and sustainability. The Wonelones are known for their cooperative society, valuing harmony with their environment and each other. Their culture is rich with music, art, and storytelling, often inspired by the rhythms and sounds of the sea. They govern themselves through councils of elders and community leaders, making decisions through consensus.   In Coral Harbor, the largest settlement on the floating coral island of Coral Rise, the population is a mix of Wonelones and other sapient settlers. Many of the settlers have adapted to the aquatic lifestyle, using advanced technology to build homes and infrastructure that blends harmoniously with the natural environment. These settlers are drawn to Coral Harbor for its vibrant marketplace, research opportunities, and the unique lifestyle it offers.



Conflicts and Threats

Aquatic Planet
Origin System
Year Length (OST)
13 Years
Day Length (OST)
15 Hours
Location under


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