The first book in the Astnyr trilogy is as follows: Worldbuilding-Editing and Re-Publish, Manuscript: Writing First Draft   Short-Story Series: Eldrinor (Notta Worldbuilding)

Magick Glades Destroyed

Military: Battle


Magick Glades is destroyed by Morana and her necromantic followers.

Only 94 years after Strection's treachery, Morana saw her chance to attack Magick Glades with her new followers. The druids were unprepared to face this assault and were killed, along with most of its citizens. However, there were still a few druids left that evacuated the people, and building a secret enclave. Nave became missing in action throughout the assault. Her Archdruid, Eldric Goldleaf, was the main force within this new enclave and in charge of the settlement.   Sonnieta sent a bard to help with the protection of this Savior's Enclave and to help the Life Druids heal the wounded. Lyria Silverwind, the bard in question, helped the druids of the enclave and brings music to lighten the mood and morale. Alexander Moonfury, one of the Life Druids, appreciated this as he studied the essence he obtained from the Lady of Death herself during the battle.

Related Location
Magick Glades
Related timelines & articles
History of Astnyr