The first book in the Astnyr trilogy is as follows: Worldbuilding-Editing and Re-Publish, Manuscript: Writing First Draft   Short-Story Series: Eldrinor (Notta Worldbuilding)

Magick Glades

Ruined City

Written by AuthorChase

As seen in

The Ruins in Nature

Magick Glades was the city of the druids. Nave ruled with a kind heart, even when her husband, Strection, struck fear into everyone's hearts. The city persevered through hard times, but it seemed at last, it fell.  

Magick Glade Ruins by AuthorChase on Inkarnate



Magick Glades by AuthorChase on Inkarnate

  Nave founded Magick Glades after the creation of Hystoria. She created the Druidic Order soon after the construction of the city completed, becoming its main military force. Morana, the most renowned Druid to ever walk in Magick Glades, used her training as a Life Druid to study various diseases and poisons. This was to cure victims of said diseases with the help of her brother, Lunarius.   However, everything changed when Morana, consumed by grief, went insane after the sealing of Lunarius under the sea near the island of Seaport. This grief transformed into magic containing death and decay, and with her research, she used the diseases she studied to her disposal. Morana, the Lady of Death, invaded Magick Glades from the inside. She recruited most of the Life Druids in the order to her side, leaving Nave at a disadvantage. Morana was persuasive in a way that touched the Life Druids in her care, inciting rage against the Gods that celebrated Lunarius' downfall. Even with the help of the Beast Druids, the remaining Life Druids found themselves outnumbered. Nave helped the Archdruid escape the initial battle with a horse, riding his way to Hystoria.

by AuthorChase on HeroForge

  Upon being informed of the struggle in the city of the Druidic Order, Knowler wasted no time and embarked on a mission to assist them. When he arrived Morana was not expecting this turn of events. Knowler and Nave together were too powerful for her and her new necromancers. Before the killing blow, Morana escaped Magick Glades with as many necromancers as she could. She planned for her next strike, but that would be centuries later.   This invasion was more successful than the first one. Morana had a spy inside the city that gave her reports on the city's defenses and the state of the Druidic Order. With so much division after Sonance's vision, detailing Lunarius's Chosen, the Lady of Death ordered for her spy to prepare the attack. Morana's spy went unnoticed as he let the Lady inside the city, along with her more powerful necromancers. The invasion was long and arduous, but the necromancers could traverse through the mists. However, there was one Druid that stood against her with virtue.  
by AuthorChase on HeroForge
Alexander Moonfury fought the Lady of Death in what were ruins of his home. He did what nobody could, even the Gods. The Life Druid got pieces of her hair, which were the key ingredient to a universal antidote to her diseases. With this fatal circumstance, Morana called for a retreat while there were survivors, but not without kidnapping Nave. The location of Nave was unknown, but the Life Druid, Alexander, may have brought salvation to the people of Astnyr.  


Nave, who trained every druid that came through her doors, ruled Magick Glades. The one chosen as the Archdruid helped the goddess with this training and other affairs, including giving messages to the other gods. Meanwhile, money was used to fund the farmers and military of Magick Glades. This government transferred to Savior's Enclave after Morana's forces invaded Magick Glades.  


There were three districts in Magick Glades. They were the druid, citizen homes, and markets. The districts separated with forested paths and easy to traverse through.  

Points of Interest

The druid district contained the training Druids and their Mentors, which was the school of these Druids. Graduated Druids and citizens were living within the citizen home district. The markets held various goods, along with citizens and travelers browsing within the city. Beast Druids guarded this district and walked through in their transformed animal shape. There was no inn, but many travelers rested outdoors.  
Druid Academy by AuthorChase on Inkarnate

Homes by AuthorChase on Inkarnate

Markets by AuthorChase on Inkarnate



The residents of Magick Glades used the wood of various trees around the forests to build everything. The trees surrounding the city had many useful bark and properties for spells used within the Druidic Order. In fact, they mainly had healing properties. The trees surrounding the city contained many useful bark and properties for spells used within the Druidic Order, particularly healing properties. To gain an advantage over enemies, the Druidic Order built structures on these trees, from which the Beast Druids would jump to surprise the enemy.  

National Trade

Nave traded with Frosthalla and Craftport for livestock and retail potions. Once Seaport became established, the military received armor. Hystoria benefited from staves Mentors used to teach lessons in the city. Ironhammer had an excellent reputation for jewel and weapon craft, however, that changed, and it was no longer considered available for trade.
Morana was the most known Life Druid in Astnyr. When she had time away from her primary duties, she studied poisons and diseases hoping to cure everything nature attacked Astnyr with. After all, what did this suffering ever accomplish in mortal society? Lunarius helped her with samples she could not figure out, making these siblings close. They worked well in studying together. As Morana studied, she couldn't help but feel more connected with the people she helped save.

Past Morana by AuthorChase on Heroforge

  However, everything changed 50 years after sealing Lunarius in the underwater fortress. The grief drove her mad, granting her power with the diseases and poisons she studied. She mastered how to administer them and even combined them all to create the Decay of Bones. No one knew where she was located after both invasions of Magick Glades, but she was still a dangerous entity.

Lady of Death by AuthorChase on Heroforge

100,000 (before it became a ruin)
Inhabitant Demonym
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Cover image: by AuthorChase on Inkarnate


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