The first book in the Astnyr trilogy is as follows: Worldbuilding-Editing and Re-Publish, Manuscript: Writing First Draft   Short-Story Series: Eldrinor (Notta Worldbuilding)


Goddess of Love and Nature

Written by AuthorChase

Morana's grief is deep. I must help her with what I can.
— Nave


Knowler created Nave when he was creating the civilization of Astnyr. She founded the Druidic Order within Magick Glades. Her love for nature and her people drive her to make a better city. She married Strection after the Great War, but they have separated because of their daughter's vision.  

The Druidic Order

Nave by AuthorChase on Heroforge
After building Magick Glades, she trained druids that agreed with her cause among the Light Elves. She gifted them nature magic and named her first Archdruid, Korthas Silvermoon. Many Light Elves became Life Druids and Beast Druids, though some did not live through their training. Nave honors these dead trainees by returning them to nature, so that their spirits may live on within it. Once the Humans arrived to Astnyr, they taught Nave and the Life Druids about alchemy and its effects. This improved the healing and resistances that the druids could create significantly, and many Humans became druids themselves.  

Marriage Bonding

Strection came to Nave to ask for her advice. He needed to know how to protect nature while mining the mountains of Ironhammer. Nave suggested to him to replant the seeds of the plants they destroyed. This would keep the animal ecosystem fed and protected. Strection did just that, and he found there came more good from her advice. The miners were working around nature instead of against it to mine materials.   After much success at the mines, Strection found Nave wise and strong in her own right. He proposed marriage to her, with her accepting. For a time, their relationship strengthened, but in present days, Strection went insane with power. He forbid Nave and their daughter, Sonance, from helping the chosen of Lunarius. However, Nave rejected him and told her druids to help Lunarius' chosen see the error of his ways. Nave and Strection had separated since.  

Invasions of Magick Glades

Magick Glades by AuthorChase on Inkarnate
Nave knew how deep Morana's grief could go for her sealed brother, Lunarius. However, she did not predict her fellow Angel would attack Magick Glades. Many Life Druids betrayed Nave, turning to Morana and her new deadly magic. Morana attacked Magick Glades, killing many citizens and druids. The war that was happening within destroyed the city. Knowler became notified of this and flew to help Nave in raven form. Nave fought for as long as she could, entrapping Morana and her followers with her nature magic. Beast Druids attacked with their teeth and claws, killing many once Life Druids.   Knowler finally arrived, ready to kill his own daughter. However, when the god tried to place the final blow, Morana teleported out of Magick Glades to an unknown location. No one could find her since then. Beight helped Nave rebuild Magick Glades, making it more hidden than before. However, in the present day, Morana attacked again. This time, the Lady of Death was prepared with a spy pulling the strings within Magick Glades. The spy let Morana and the necromancers into the city, bringing a devastating blow to the druids within. The city would not recover, and Nave was declared missing in action.  

Perks and Flaws

Nave is an expert in nature cultivation. She guides her people with this in mind, however, she can seem impersonal in some ways. This is when Nave's Archdruid helps her with her connection to the people. There are instances when this is important, especially when her people are suffering from either disease or hardships.  

Animal Form

by AuthorChase on Heroforge
Nave can transform into a ferocious bear, protecting her people and travelling through the forests. She guards her people, but also helps the injured walk around the city for their physical therapy. They lean onto her as they walk, letting their legs do most of the work. Nave doesn't travel far from Magick Glades, but she walks to or near Ironhammer on some occasions. Now she can only look wistfully at Ironhammer, wondering why her husband is taking such rash actions.
Divine Classification
Founded Settlements
Ruled Locations

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Magick Glades
Settlement | Sep 4, 2024

Cover image: by AuthorChase on Inkarnate


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