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Bone Charms

Bone charms are one of the most commonly carried or worn items in the Kingdom of Aētheli, and are spiritual symbols carried by beast shifters of all status throughout the kingdom. Bone charms are thought to be primarily protective, but some individuals may consider their bone charm to be a conduit to their ancestors. Although all beast shifters carry bone charms, the practice has incompletely filtered up to the dragons in the kingdom, who often look down on hedge magic as folk superstitions.   Bone charms can and often do utilize sigils during their creation, but they are most commonly inscribed with the name of a particular ancestor. Several bone charms can be worn together at once, often tied together in a long chain.  


  Bone charms are crafted, as the name suggests, from bone. The bone can be taken from a hunt and carefully cleaned or scavenged from a caracass. The medium of bone is important both magically and spiritually. Practitioners of Hedge Magic specify that bone must be used for this type of charm because bones attract the animus of those who have passed on.    The bone is almost never used whole, but is cleaned, cracked, and the marrow removed so that a mostly flat, roughly oblong-shaped piece is obtained. The edges are then polished until smooth and a small hole is drilled at the top where it can be strung on a cord.   The carvings on a bone charm are what gives it its significance and power. Like sigils themselves, the carvings on a bone charm are inscribed using the Kefentāt script, which is written top-to-bottom. The primary and most prominent carving on a bone charm is always a particular ancestor's name.   The significance of the ancestor to the individual in question varies. Sometimes a bone charm bears the name of a beloved grandparent, or perhaps even a sibling who passed away young. Sometimes it bears the name of a prominent or influential ancestor. The latter type of bone charm is often given to a child soon after it is born, to bring the protection or guidance of these spirits to the child in their young life. Carrying multiple bone charms is not unusual, but it is also common upon entering adulthood to hang one's childhood bone charm near the entryway of one's home, or above the mantle of the fire, or above one's bed, and purchase or commission a new one with more personal meaning to carry as an adult.  


Aside from the bone itself and the carved name, bone charms can bear additional decoration. Hanging them on beaded necklaces or bracelets is a common practice, or attaching them to an ear cuff so that they hang beside the face. Often there are other small decorations tied to the bone charm, such as feathers, pieces of ribbon or colorful thread, or small strings of beads. On the reverse side of a bone charm from the name, it is not uncommon to find a sigil. This might be a sigil comprised from the ancestor's name as a way of doubling the power of the charm, or a sigil meant to attract and direct other energies aside from the simple spiritual protection all bone charms confer.


The practice of ancestor veneration is ubiquitous within the kingdom, and all beast shifters consider guidance and protection from the anima of their ancestors to be a key part of their spiritual journey. Bone charms are items that provide spiritual protection - by carving the ancestor's name into the bone, a tie is forged between the charm and their lingering animus, which attunes them to the needs of this particular descendant. When facing a difficult decision, when afraid, or even when simply unsure, a shifter will touch or hold their bone charm, a silent way of summoning their ancestor's animus, bringing their attention to the situation, so that they may pass along their wisdom.   The protection provided by bone charms is said to be against bad luck and malicious spirits. Across the kingdom, there are stories of a shifter lost in a blizzard, only to grasp their bone charm in their hand and find their steps leading them to a wayhouse. Or a parent, touching their bone charm and immediately knowing there is something wrong with one of their children. Or a ruler, poised on the edge of a difficult decision, holding their bone charm and suddenly knowing which choice is best.
Item type
Religious / Ritualistic
Raw materials & Components
Carving tools


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Aug 21, 2024 10:14 by George Sanders

I enjoyed your article. You included lore and details on how magic is experienced on your world. I added it to the short list for my Summer Camp sponsored prompt "A personal item that keeps you safe." View the short list.   This earns you a prize! An 800x800 hand drawn digital image of your item. To claim your prize join our prize discord server or email me at [email protected] so my artist, Gege, can work with you on the image. We are still deciding on the grand prize winner. They will be announced on 8/31 during the World Anvil Twitch Livestream.   I will be sharing your article on community posts and Lavani's Reading List. When you join the discord server, check out the optional World Deck we are planning for the items. Congrats!

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