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In Aētheli, the word "sigil" can mean both the symbols utilized by practicioners of Hedge Magic and the objects that are crafted around those symbols, which are often worn as talismans or used as decoration in homes. They are strongly associated with magical and spiritual practice, and sigils can be found inscribed on most buildings, crossroads, important landmarks, and even wagons.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The sigils themselves are derived from the written script of Kefentāt, the native language of the dragons. Sigils are composed using a word or phrase that connects with the intent or purpose of the sigil. For example, a fertility sigil may use the word for child, ām, along with the word for health, shēt, to manifest the outcome of a healthy child for the wearer. The letters for these words are then arranged in an overlapping circular design, with the start point for each letter calculated according to the numerological significance of the degree point on the circle. The first letter of the sigil will be inscribed at 0°/360°, "the beginning and the end." Subsequent letters begin from different degree points according to meaning, in increments of fifteen:                                                  
Beginning, emptiness, potential
15° Resisting temptation
30° Family bonds, siblings
45° Inner will/focus, concentration
60° Progress, journeys
75° Cultivation, patience
90° Cycles, repetition, memory
105° Change, transformation
120° Creative expression
135° Forgiveness, reconciliation
150° Ambition, desire
165° Healing, wellness
180° Justice, law, fairness
195° Wealth, material success
210° Community, relationships
225° Spiritual growth
240° Harmony, duality, stability
255° Communication, diplomacy
270° Charity, selflessness
285° Home, hearth, town
300° Intuition, instincts
315° Leadership, command, charisma
330° Romance, love
345° Rebirth, reincarnation
360° Fullness, completion, eternity
In the example given above, the sigil for healthy children that utilizes the words ām shēt, the letter ā would begin at 0°. The next four letters (sh is one letter) would utilize 30° (family), 105° (transformation), 165° (wellness), and 285° (home). The eventual developed sigil would appear as below:  
Sigils can be created with or without their bounding circles. once the degrees have been correctly calculated and the sigil created, the bounding circle can be left off of subsequent usages of the sigil.   Each hedgewitch utilizes a slightly different style when making sigils. Some prefer to have all lines pass through the center point, even if it means stylizing some letters. Some prefer to err toward readability of letters. Some practitioners feel that the starting stroke of the letter must align exactly with the degree point, while others may argue that the letter must only touch the bounding circle at the degree point.


The use of sigils is as old as the kingdom itself, and perhaps older. Some hedgewitches claim that sigil creation was taught to them by the dragons hundreds of years ago. However, dragons are not typically practitioners of hedge magic and see little use for it, so this origin is unlikely. In addition, hedge magic is nearly exclusively practiced by beast shifters, as opposed to the Elemental Magic favored by divine beasts.   The most likely origin is through experimentation and word-of-mouth spread in the early days of the kingdom. In the first few years following the creation of the beast shifters, as cultures began to develop and solidify, the first evidence of sigils appears. House Moongazer of Blackside Mountain built sigils into the floors of their keep when it was constructed early in YK3, which meant development of sigils had already become widespread enough at that point for a High Noble house to utilize them extensively.   Since then, the practice of creating sigils has become refined, with several tools (such as drawing compasses) developed for use by hedgewitches and shamans to help with the creation of sigils.


Sigils are intended to both channel magical effect and to passively draw energies to them. Sigils can be created for a variety of purposes: prosperity, health, fertility, good weather, safe travels, guidance, and spiritual or magical protection. Depending on the nature of the sigil and the materials used to construct it, the effect may be stronger or weaker. As with all hedge magic, at times the effectiveness of these sigils is debated, and they are variably seen as objects of true power or as superstitious nonsense.   Sigils are extremely common throughout the kingdom, worn and used by the vast majority of the populace, however few are truly knowledgeable about the process required to create them. Sigils are often bought and sold, and not necessarily from the hedgewitch or shaman who originally created it. Wealthy individuals may pay a hedgewitch to design several sigils and commission stonemasons to set them as mosaics in the walls of their homes, or hire a carpenter to carve it onto the door or mantle.   The most commonly carried portable type of sigil is a bone charm, which is most commonly inscribed with a sigil or multiple sigils that invoke the protection of ancestor spirits. Notably, there is not one single sigil used for this purpose - the composition of sigils varies depending on the particular style of the hedgewitch who created them.
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