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Thasinia Vorenthar

Sovereign Thasinia Shalendra Amara Vorenthar (a.k.a. The Vengeful)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Thasinia Vorenthar was born into a royal elven family, but from a young age, she displayed a cruel and manipulative nature. As she grew older, Thasinia became increasingly obsessed with power and control, and her ambitions soon led her down a dark and twisted path.   When her mother, King Aelithia Vorenthar, passed away, Thasinia saw an opportunity to seize the throne for herself. She used her cunning and manipulative skills to undermine her siblings and other rivals for the throne, ultimately ascending to the position of Queen of the elven nation.   Once in power, Thasinia revealed her true nature as an evil fascist ruler. She implemented harsh laws and regulations that stripped away the freedoms of the elven people and cemented her own power and authority. Dissent and opposition were ruthlessly crushed, with Thasinia's secret police and army enforcing her will through fear and violence.   Thasinia's reign was marked by a period of oppression and suffering, with the elven people forced to endure her cruel and tyrannical rule. Those who spoke out against her were imprisoned, tortured, or executed, and even those who remained silent lived in constant fear of retribution.Despite the fear and suffering she inflicted upon her people, Thasinia remained convinced of her own superiority and righteousness. She saw herself as a visionary leader, bringing order and discipline to a weak and chaotic world.


Thasinia Vorenthar received an education that reflected the ideals of her regime. She was trained to believe in the supremacy of the elven race and the necessity of maintaining strict order and control.   Thasinia's early education was focused on the study of elven history, literature, and culture. She was taught to revere the achievements of her ancestors and to view herself as the inheritor of a great legacy. However, this education was heavily biased and often distorted to serve the propaganda of the regime, emphasizing the superiority of the elven race over all others.   As she grew older, Thasinia's education became increasingly focused on military strategy and tactics. She was trained in the art of war, with an emphasis on aggressive and expansionist tactics. Thasinia was also taught the importance of discipline and obedience, with a focus on creating a highly efficient and effective military force.   Thasinia's education was not limited to military strategy, however. She was also trained in the art of diplomacy, with a focus on manipulating and dominating her opponents. Her education emphasized the importance of maintaining alliances and securing the loyalty of her subjects, while also instilling a deep sense of suspicion and paranoia.   In the end, Thasinia's education played a crucial role in shaping her worldview and guiding her actions as an evil fascist queen. She saw herself as a powerful and visionary leader, guided by the teachings of her education to believe that the ends justified the means, no matter how brutal or unjust.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  1. Ascended to the throne through cunning and manipulation, despite fierce competition from other royal family members and rivals.
  2. Established a highly efficient secret police force to root out dissidents and enforce her will through fear and intimidation.
  3. Implemented strict laws and regulations that stripped away the freedoms of the elven people, cementing her own power and authority.
  4. Built up a powerful and efficient military force, focused on aggressive tactics.
  5. Used her diplomatic skills to manipulate and dominate her opponents, securing alliances and securing the loyalty of her subjects.
  6. Created a vast network of informants and spies, ensuring that no one could conspire against her without being discovered and punished.
  7. Established a highly effective propaganda machine, with a focus on glorifying her leadership and promoting the superiority of the elven race over all others.

Intellectual Characteristics

Thasinia Vorenthar was a highly intelligent and cunning individual, driven by an unquenchable thirst for power and control. Her intellectual characteristics were shaped by her education, which emphasized the importance of ruthless efficiency, cunning manipulation, and absolute loyalty to the state.   Thasinia possessed a razor-sharp intellect, with a natural talent for strategic thinking and tactical planning. She was able to anticipate her enemies' moves and respond quickly and decisively to any threats to her power. Her intellect was also highly focused, with an unshakable determination to achieve her goals, no matter the cost.   One of Thasinia's most defining intellectual characteristics was her ability to manipulate and dominate others. She was a skilled diplomat, able to convince others to bend to her will through a combination of charm, intimidation, and outright coercion. Her intellect was also deeply analytical, with an instinctive understanding of the weaknesses and vulnerabilities of those around her, which she exploited to the fullest.   However, Thasinia's intellect was also marked by a deep sense of paranoia and suspicion. She was constantly on guard against any perceived threats to her power, and was quick to eliminate any potential rivals or dissidents. This often led to a brutal and oppressive regime, where even the slightest hint of dissent was punished harshly.   Overall, Thasinia's intellectual characteristics were defined by a ruthless drive for power, a talent for strategic thinking, and a deep-seated desire to dominate and control those around her. These traits, combined with her fascist ideology, made her a fearsome and formidable opponent, one who was willing to go to any lengths to achieve her goals.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

1. Intelligence: Thasinia was a highly intelligent and cunning individual, with a natural talent for strategic thinking and tactical planning. Her intellect allowed her to anticipate her enemies' moves and respond quickly and decisively to any threats to her power.   2. Determination: Thasinia possessed an unshakable determination to achieve her goals, no matter the cost. Her focus and drive allowed her to overcome obstacles and push through even the most challenging situations.

Vices & Personality flaws

1. Cruelty: Thasinia's regime was marked by a brutal and oppressive approach to governance, where even the slightest hint of dissent was punished harshly. Her cruelty was directed not only at her enemies, but also at her own people, whom she saw as little more than pawns to be used and discarded as needed.   2. Paranoia: Thasinia was deeply suspicious of anyone who might pose a threat to her power, and was quick to eliminate any potential rivals or dissidents. Her paranoia led her to engage in ruthless and often unnecessary acts of violence, causing fear and instability throughout her kingdom.


Social Aptitude

Thasinia Vorenthar was a highly skilled manipulator, able to project an image of charm and grace when necessary, while at the same time being capable of ruthless and oppressive behavior towards those who opposed her. Her social aptitude was therefore a complex mix of etiquette and mannerisms designed to project an image of power and control over those around her.   Thasinia was a consummate diplomat, with an innate understanding of the importance of social graces and etiquette in achieving her goals. She was able to charm her subjects and foreign dignitaries alike, using her beauty and charm to disarm potential enemies and win over allies. Her mannerisms were refined and graceful, with a regal bearing that commanded respect from those around her.   However, beneath this carefully crafted veneer of civility lay a darker side to Thasinia's social aptitude. She was quick to anger and ruthless in her dealings with those who opposed her, often resorting to violence and intimidation to get her way. Her etiquette and mannerisms therefore served as a mask to hide her true nature, allowing her to project an image of benevolent authority while at the same time engaging in brutal and oppressive behavior towards those who crossed her.   Overall, Thasinia's social aptitude was defined by a complex mix of charm, grace, and ruthless determination. She was able to project an image of authority and power over those around her, while at the same time masking her true nature as a cruel and manipulative ruler.
Current Location
Year of Birth
193 AoR 482 Years old
Long, blonde
6' 3"
110 lbs.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I am the rightful ruler of this land, and all who defy me will feel the full force of my wrath. Let my enemies tremble before me!"
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Ruled Locations


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