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Sol Academy

Far in the north of Karnok on the border of Grandrood and near the Tutor Tower sits the Sol Academy. The Sol Academy is the birthplace of the Sun Harvesters, which generate Karnok's primary export, Sol Mana. The Sol Academy was founded by several brave individuals who stayed in Karnok after The Eternal Sun rose into the sky. These individuals were dedicated to investigating The Eternal Sun, initially trying to find out why it rose. However, after many years of being unsuccessful in finding the cause, their focus shifted to harnessing The Eternal Sun's power. Enlisting the help of wizards from the Tutor Tower, who were just as interested in harnessing this power, they eventually developed what came to be known as the Sun Harvester. The Sun Harvester was able to harness a never before seen type of magical energy from The Eternal Sun. This energy was named Sol Mana, and the wizards of the Tutor Tower deemed it's potential to be near limitless.   Shortly after the discovery of Sol Mana, the brave few who had stayed in Karnok to research The Eternal Sun founded the Sol Academy. Initially intended as a place of research for Sol Mana and all of it's possibilities. The Sol Academy quickly became more than just an academy, many potential researchers moved their families here as word began to spread around Eldaris. Merchants saw the potential for selling rare items to researchers, blacksmiths saw the potential of selling their services, and many others simply wanted to be present for the next big breakthrough in utilizing Sol Mana. Eventually Karnok began to become populated once again, and with more people came more problems. Fearing that re-establishing a government in the Sol Academy would distract them from the potential of Sol Mana, the researchers at the Sol Academy instead decided to found a different city closer to the center of Karnok. This city would serve as the new capital of Karnok, and house appointed officials to oversee the country. Utilizing their advancements in the uses of Sol Mana and the diverse and skilled population of artisans with the Sol Academy, the city was founded at astounding speed. The new capital city of Karnok, Mekanikus, quickly became the most advanced city in all of Eldaris through it's use of Sol Mana in it's infrastructure.

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