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Karnok (Car-Knock)

The Land of the Eternal Sun. Long ago in a time forgotten by any currently living mortal Karnok was a lush forest. Supplying most of Eldaris' fruits and lumber, Karnok flourished and it's people lived with the forest animals in harmony. This did not last forever though, as one day the sun, defying all logic, decided to never set upon this land. The neighboring nations of Kalabash and Grandrood did not have this problem however, it seemed The Eternal Sun only affected the lands of Karnok.
  The heat and intensity of The Eternal Sun grew until one day the forests caught fire. The fire ended up taking the lives of many, quite possibly becoming the greatest tragedy in all of Eldaris' history. Those who survived either fled to neighboring nations or adapted to a new way of life. Most who fled went south to Kalabash. This massive shift in populace became known as The Great Migration. Those who didn't flee south instead went north to Grandrood, which resulted in little conflict as Grandrood's populace was small and welcoming of the refugees.
  Over time Karnok became a desert land, barren of all but the harshest of natural life. The people that remained eventually found ways to harness the power of this new Eternal Sun as an energy source. This discovery by it's remaining people put Karnok back on the map, but rather than supplying other nations with natural resources like lumber and fruits, it now supplied nations with solar energy of The Eternal Sun. Though the uses of this energy are currently limited, many scholars believe this source of energy has near limitless potential. The mages of the Tutor Tower have taken a particular interest in this potential and are often referenced as Karnok's number one customer.

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