
The Legionare is the individual Unmade infantryman in the Unmade Legions. The smallest unit located at the very bottom of the legion structure was contubernium – group of 8 legionaries, who share the same tent, sleep and fight together. The Contubernium has its own draft animal to carry supplies that they themselves do not carry as well as two support staff. Therefore, each Contubernium numbers ten total individuals. Informally the contubernium is also divided into pairs called shieldmates, where one of the legionaries supports the other. New recruits (tirones) need about 6 months to become full-fledged legionaries. During this time they have low regard among their comrades in arms.   Chosen by the legionaires in the contubernium, the Decanus is the commander of the contubernium. Typically he is the most experienced legionare in the contubernium. It is worth mentioning that during the battle the Decanus has no significance from the command point of view.

Accoutrements & Equipment

The basic elements of armament are:
  • helmet
  • large steel shield
  • armor – scale or chain mail armor
  • heavy spear and 3 javelins
  • short, double-edged sword (gladius)
  • sandals
  • poncho
Every legionare carries in addition to weapons: a saw, basket, bucket, ax, leather belt, sickle, a shovel, and a chain for marking out a grid of rectangles. Thanks to this device, they are able to quickly set out the plan of the camp, on the basis of which they built it very quickly.   The aquila eagle is always kept by the 1st legion cohort. The whole was complemented by parts of dismantled siege engines.
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