Unmade Legions

The Ethorian Legions are organized to ensure maximum efficiency not only at the level of the entire legion, but also at its individual units. To this end, a strict command structure and precise division into individual units was created, which was largely due to the focused evolution of the Ethorian armies throughout history. Below is the unit structure from the lowest level to command of the Ethorian legion.  


The smallest unit located at the very bottom of the legion structure was contubernium – group of 8 Legionares, who share the same tent, sleep and fight together. The Contubernium has its own draft animal to carry supplies that they themselves do not carry as well as two support staff. Therefore, each Contubernium numbers ten total individuals. Informally the contubernium is also divided into pairs called shieldmates, where each one of the legionaries supports the other. New recruits (tirones) need about 6 months to become full-fledged legionares. During this time they have low regard among their comrades in arms.   Chosen by the legionares in the contubernium, the Decanus is the commander of contubernium. Most often he is the most experienced Legionare. It is worth mentioning that during the battle it has no significance from the command point of view.  


The centuria is a legion unit composed of 80 legionaries – 10 contubernia. The name itself – suggesting “a hundred” is due to the fact that – again – each sub-unit have two support staff (often a ranger, medic or mage), who in total counted 20 Unmade in the centuria. Together, officially, the centuria numbers 100 unmade. However, 80 legionares take part in the fight.   The command over the centuria is held by a Centurion, an officer who is appointed by a higher command. Most often he is an experienced and distinguished Legionare. His deputy is the Optio, who helps maintain discipline in the centuria and conduct daily training. The Centurion is in the front line of the unit during the battle while the Optio guards troops from the back on the opposite side. The Centurion is thus involved in direct combat (with associated spoils), commanding combat and being in constant danger; Optio, in turn, takes care of formation, maintains discipline and watches the rear flank. In the event of the death of a centurion, the optio takes command of the centuria.   The centuria also includes:
  • Signifer – ensign carrying signum, the military banner with the emblem of a given unit
  • Cornicen – trumpeter
  • Tesserarius – soldier responsible for the guards


Cohort (cohors) is a tactical unit of 6 centuria, with a total of 480 legionaries. There are 10 cohorts in the legion. During the battle, the lead Centurion manoeuvres a cohort to support a particular sector of the battlefield. Each of the cohors had its own unique sound signal, which enables agile command without sending orders through emissaries.   Cohort command is in the hands of the most experienced Centurion out of six who are in the cohort. Naturally, the highest rank still commanded his centuria, and the other centurions were his advisers. Names of subsequent centurions, in order of importance: Pilus prior, Pilus posterior, Princeps prior, Princeps posterior, Hastatus prior, and Hastatus posterior.   The first cohort in numbering is the elite of the legion. For this reason, it consists of 5 double centuriae – or 800 people (160 x 5 centuriae). The centurions in this cohort are the most important centurions in the legion. This cohort also has the honour of guarding the legionary eagle (aquila), and officially takes care of the safety of the Legate.   The first cohort is headed by the Primus pilus (“first spear”), the most experienced Centurion among the 5 centurions in the first cohort, and thus the most important soldier in the legion. He has the right to participate in staff talks and present his military recommendations and reservations of soldiers. If the ordinary Legionare had an entire legion case, he would first go to the Centurion under whom he served; he then informed Primus pilus, who in turn referred the case to the Legate.   Order of command in the Ethorian legion:
  • Legate (legatus) – legion commander, appointed by the High Purifier of the Unmade
  • Legion Purifier – this is a position in the legion due to political reasons. There are six Legion Purifiers in each legion and serve as the eyes and ears of the High Purifier of the Unmade within the legion. They also serve as secretaries and spiritual officials in the legion. The First Purifier (Purifius laticlavius) has an exceptionally strong position in the Purifier ranks, guaranteeing him the second command in the legion and direct participation in the fighting and its associated spoils.
  • Prefect of the camp (Praefectus castrorum) – the officer responsible for supplying the legion, setting out the camp and its management. Most often this position is taken by the former primus pilus, which is the highest possible position a soldier in the Unmade legion could achieve. The prefect is appointed by the legion legate.
  • Primus pilus – (“first spear”), the most experienced centurion among the 5 centurions in the first cohort, and thus the most important soldier in the legion
In total, each Unmade legion has 5,248 individuals at full strength, including 5,120 heavy infantry and 128 cavalry (equites). What’s more, each legion has a certain number of military and siege engines (ballistas, catapults, scorpions), engineers, mages and medics, the number depending the mission.



In total, each Unmade legion has 5,248 individuals at full strength, including 5,120 heavy infantry and 128 cavalry (equites).


Each legion has a full compliment of Astral Ships with dedicated pilots for mobility


After successful "recruitment", the “fresh” legionary undergoes a 4-month training. During this time he had to march 18 miles in five hours, in a normal step; and then 21 miles in five hours, at a fast pace – all the time carrying their belongings on their back weighing about 50 lb. This weight was usually increased during training in order to temper the soldiers even better. Those who can not keep up were “treated” with a seperation from the Conciousness by centurions and helpers. Attention is also paid to the speed and efficiency of soldiers:   After practicing strength and character, there is a time to learn formation (empty square, wedge or testudo ) and signaling. Finally, newly recruited soldiers are taught to use weapons. Exercises, however, are carried out using wooden and wicker swords or shields that are heavier than a real weapon. In this way, the legionary was acquainted with the strength and speed required on the battlefield.



The Unmade legions replenish (and grow) their ranks by converting prisoners from vanquished foes through converting them to Unmade.

Articles under Unmade Legions


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