Emerald Brightrunner

Emerald Brightrunner, Mx. (a.k.a. Em)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Em keeps themselves in peak physical performance, which is made easier by the large amount of performance enhancing drugs they are required to take as part of their job as a Fixer. They have a slim frame with much of their body replaced with various cyber enhancements, many of which are required by BioTechnica.

Identifying Characteristics

They have freckles across the bridge of their nose, a blue tattoo under their left eye, and a small scar on the right side of their chest from when they were a child.

Apparel & Accessories

Em always wears a necklace with a single lavender petal inside of it, which was a gift from their mother, before they moved to Acostead. The rest of their outfit tends to consist of a long cybercoat, military boots, and a color-changing jumpsuit when on the clock. Outside of work, they enjoy wearing more traditional clothing such as t-shirts and jeans.

Specialized Equipment

  • BioTechnica Issued Tablet
  • Anti-Kinetic Cybercoat
  • ZSP-3046
  • BT-3025 HK Legs
  • MCB-3027 Cyber Interconnection System

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Emerald Brightrunner was born to Jewel and Clavis Brightrunner in 3027 in the small town of Bleakburn. They would spend the next 16 years there with their family, attending grade school, until Emerald came out to their parents. While such basic concepts of gender and sexuality no longer exist throughout much of Eldcolary, there are still some who cling to the old beliefs in the Southern Settlements.   Jewel was mostly supportive of her child, but Clavis was absolutely furious about it. He threw Em out of his house with just the bare necessities in a bag. They managed to make their way to Acostead where they worked for a small shop, called the Mystic Cat while making their way through a local college. While at this school, they got the attention of a BioTechnica headhunter, who impressed with their skills, offered them a job as a fixer.   At the age of 22, just out of school, they began their work as a corpo fixer, providing various merceneries and gangs with jobs that BioTechnica didn't want on the official records. It was during this time that they met a member of the Glauxians, a small religious group in the Lower Districts who were trying to bring back true magic to the world of Eldcolary. Since then, they have worked tirelessly not only at their job, but at bringing back the fabled Glauxian Weave in the hope for a better life.

Gender Identity

Em Brightrunner identifies as non-binary and uses They/Them pronouns. They came out to their family at the age of 16, after working through how they wanted the world to perceive them. Since then, they have had several surgeries and pieces of cyberware installed to help them better feel at home in their body.


Em has yet to have an actual relationship with someone, as they are too busy working as a fixer at BioTechnica. However, they have experessed interest before in people of multiple genders, and have said they best identify as Pansexual.


After attending grade school in their hometown Bleakburn, Em went on to attend a small college in Acostead where they got top marks in all their classes. As all test results are sent to the various corporations, BioTechnica took an interest in Em and recruited them fresh out of school at the age of 22.


Religious Views

Em belongs to a small sect of people called the Glauxians, who believe that it is possible to reconnect to the Glauxian Weave, the source of all magic in Eldcolary before Nox Sanguinis. Much of the sects' work centers around locating ancient texts that could provide information on how to re-access the long-lost magic of Eldcolary.

Hobbies & Pets

Fixers are not allowed to have pets, but Em still manages to keep a small lizard in their living arrangements which they are careful to keep out of sight. It is a small beaded lizard which can be found all around Em's hometown of Bleakburn.   For hobbies, they tend to spend the little bit of free time that they get between work and sleep to work on a collection of short stories set in a world beyond The Great Seal. They aspire to be a writer one day, but until then, they must work the soul-crushing job of a fixer.


Em tends to stand out wherever they go as they hail from Oppida Meridionalis (The Southern Towns) and have a very clear accent.
True Neutral
Current Status
Working with BioTechnica as a Fixer
Current Location
Year of Birth
3027 24 Years old
Light Green
Short chic cut, multicolored
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White Skin, Freckles on nose
115 lbs
Aligned Organization