Welcome to Eldcolary

In a world where blood drips from the sky, a red tint hangs over everything, and corporations control most of the world, forcing millions to slave away for profit, few people really matter. It is an uncaring world, where death is barely registered, and corpses are flung into incinerators around the city to save room. The only way to make it in this world is to claw your way from the bottom, refusing to give in to the constant hopelessness that surrounds you. The legends of this city carved their names into the annals of history with their own blood, and if you want to be remembered, you must also.   But becoming a legend in Acostead or even Eldcolary as a whole is nearly impossible. Why, you would have to do something absolutely crazy to be remembered in a world that could care less whether you lived or died. Whether you succeeded at your goals, or spent your life miserable in a box under a box. How could you possibly make your name one to be remembered?   Well luckily for you, there are many options in the fair world of Eldcolary, though few of them end in a long and fruitful life. Those who came before you and accomplished great things like Gron Blackroar, one of Acostead's most famous people, were only remembered because of their deaths. So, you have to choose.   Will you live a life of mediocrity or one of glory and thrills? Will you find yourself looking in the mirror, a face barely recognizable as your own, with the smell of piss hanging around your apartment or will you wipe away the blood from your face in your final moments, proud of what you accomplished, as your friends lie dead around you?   Being a legend comes at a price in this world, and nothing is easy, as everything stands between you and what you hope to accomplish. Gangs run rampant throughout the streets of the bigger cities, executing people in back alleys after taking every credit they are worth. Corrupt politicians and corporations dictate what happens, leaving the lower class behind further and further as they squeeze out every credit they can.   An ever shifting dome of blood surrounds Eldcolary, reminding you of those murdered by The Lords of Night in a time long ago. In the southern towns, those who think they have escaped the hell that is the major cities, find their lives dictated by cults led by crazed fanatics. The northern forests are filled with strange beasts and races, ever ready to devour an unsuspecting human. Distrust is everywhere, and those who aren't straight up out to murder you, will barely glance over as you are killed in the streets.   This is a world where dreams are shattered, lives are meaningless, and hope no longer exists. It is a world of death and danger, a world of horror. Welcome to Eldcolary.