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Battle of Zoloty Polia

The Conflict


The Army of Boris Sergey Vitali Klasarov were deploied in order to block the main advansment of the Imperial forces, mutch of Zernovs mileraty might were held at fortifications along the border, but a large imperial force had pushed forward. the Zernov field army had taken ob a good defencive position and had deploied a rear guard to guide allyed forces to the renforsment of the army. unbeknown to Boris the comander of the rear guard was a treator and he had aided the Invaders by hideng the forces that had arived trough the teleportation cirvle and had played a major role in getting the field army deploied at the location it was.    The rearguard was used to rederect renforsmants to other locations and helped guide the 13000 unekpected reinforsmant to strike in hte Zevrov armys rear.


The magical healing provided by the healers of the Imperial army redused the number of kills in the imperial army by about 1000
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type



14 Foot batalions (550)
2 Musketeer Battalions (650)
2 Regiments of Draggons (600)
1 regiment of Cuirassiers (600)
3 regiments of Gendarme (600)
1 regiment of Harquebusier (600)
3 Brigades of Hobgoblins
4000 Godclaw
10000 troops


214 from the  Foot batalions (873 mortaly wonded)
28 killed from the Musketeer Battalions (141 mortaly wonded)
  21 killed from the Regiments of Draggons (89 mortaly wonded)
  26 from the regiment of Cuirassiers (71 mortaly wonded)
  98 from the regiments of Gendarme (134 mortaly wonded)
  8 from the regiment of Harquebusier (39 mortaly wonded)
total killed imperial army 395



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