
Lord of Stone Atlor

The first of the primary gods, master of stone and metal. He is worshiped by many for his breadth of domains, often known by other names as a being of Justice or Freedom, rather than his true divinity. He is primarily worshiped by the Dwarves, Invertus, and Dark Fae (Goblinoids, Bluebells, and other Fae beings who live underground)   Other names include: Atlas, Geotia, Talus, The Arbiter, The First, and Midgardsormr.   Though the lore behind his personality changes from religion to religion, and if Terra is present with him or not, the true Atlor is a stoic individual, highly logical and sequential. He values order and tidiness, woe to the dwarf who fails to keep his shrine in order! He prizes beauty, and thus, at times, finds it within him to abandon logic to create. While he is not big on receiving offerings, leaving him a piece of work will give him a smile and he will usually bless it for the owner or direct it to be given to one in need. These are typically small charms, so as to be undetectable by his siblings when he places them, that grant some amount of protection or immunity to ailments.   Atlor possesses a strong sense of justice, though it may not exactly align with any other living being. For who can claim to know the will of a god? He upholds the natural law to his own standards and ideals. A very letter of the law type. He will mete out swift justice for those who threaten the balance of the world, which the dragons know all too well. He is particularly not fond of slavery or imprisonment. He is a protector, above all, defending the world's delicate balance to prevent collapse.

Divine Domains

Earth, Stone, Metal, Strength, Endurance, Balance, Law, Neutral, Justice, Creativity, Love, Protection, Freedom

Holy Books & Codes

The Tablets of Atlor

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Diamond, Boulder, Sphere, Scales, Sword, Anvil, Blacksmith's Hammer, Shield, Bleeding Heart (plant)

Tenets of Faith

Protect the world, for it is your home. Maintain balance within yourself and within the world, for without balance all will crumble to dust. Protect freedom, for none should be enslaved to another.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Atlor strives to keep balance within the worlds and allow the inhabitants to grow naturally. He prevents most outside interference from the other gods, maintaining the pact.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Atlor created the worlds, drifting through the universes with his siblings to create more worlds. When they returned and discovered the life on Eldris, he at first chose to watch them grow unhindered. Humanity was not left unhindered though, as his siblings began to experiment upon the humans or unintentionally lead to their alteration. He gathered what humans he could to shelter them in the caverns and hidden places sheltered by the mountains. He created the dwarves during this time to defend these flourishing creatures.   Within one of these hidden places, he came across a great, beautiful tree adorned in brilliant white flowers and rich blue fruits. At the base of the tree sat what appeared to be a human woman, but taller. Her tanned skin was adorned in markings of various colors, moving across her body, depicting animals and plants upon the world. Her hair hung loose about her shoulders, trailing down to the pond at the base of the tree in thick locks, the color of every vine and root known on the world. Meeting Terra, Atlor took his own physical form and approached her.   They courted for some time, falling deeper for each other as the events of the world passed them by. To impress her, Atlor took part in his sibling's games shaping the creatures of the world. This did not impress her though. She took him by hand through the universes to introduce him to Salvas.   Atlor was moved by Salvas' plight, alone in a terrible duty and in pain as the four twisted the living beings of the worlds. Atlor called forth the other three and created the pacts to prevent further intervention on the worlds. He then led them to split Salvas, creating Myrada and Amynd. He returned to each world, giving the dwarves the protocols to defend the worlds balances, preventing the creation wars from occurring again.   The dragons, the greatest creations of the gods, shifted the balance terribly. Their numbers grew as their intelligence prevailed, leading to clans, colonies, and eventually societies. Their clashes grew out of hand, rending the worlds and threatening the existence of them. And so the dwarves were set upon them to reap Atlor's Judgement upon the sentient beasts.   Since the pacts, Atlor has remained standing aside, watching the worlds grow on their own with his beloved wife by his side. He wept for the dragons who died by the Dwarves' hands, for he broke the pact, interfering to turn dragon bone into a metal designed to penetrate their thick hide and scales. He has stood by, not interfering since then.

Gender Identity

Atlor is generally identified as male by followers across the worlds, he took on this gender himself when he met Terra and desired to be her partner.



Wife (Important)

Towards Atlor




Husband (Vital)

Towards Terra



Divine Classification
True Deity
Terra (Wife)


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