Aelius The God of The Sun Character in Elethia | World Anvil
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Aelius The God of The Sun

The God of The Sun guards those who treasure the light. His followers are often positive and helpful, always putting others before themselves with the mission to protect those weaker than themselves.   He works for Altan The God of Time to prevent the flow of time from being altered.

Personal History

After Aelius was granted The Blessing of The Goddess of Creation, he knew he wanted to use his newfound powers to do good in the world. He worked quite a bit with Allena The Goddess of Order and Clarity, as she too had received the blessing. But as their goals and ambitions drifted apart, they decided to split up to follow their own ambitions. Allena wanted to take down corrupt rulers for the best of the people, and establish a new government in the ancient lands. Aelius wanted to get more personal with the commoners. He hunted monsters, treated sickness and spread hope across the dangerous lands in times of war. He became known as a wandering hero who brought light and hope in dark times.   During his journey he met Xylanna Zathliana, a sweet, human woman who was a travelling adventurer. She introduced herself as someone who had great respect and admiration for Aelius work and seemed invested in not just his position as a hero, but also him. Being tired of his lonesome journey, Aelius decided to let Xylanna travel with him, as she wished to document his journey in detail. It did not take long for him to fall for her.   He would teach her what he could about magic, making her one of the world's very first wizards and she in return would give him love and companionship. Several years passed and Aelius began considering quitting his job as a 'hero' to settle down somewhere nice with Xylanna, when tragedy struck. A group of scavengers had travelled a little too far up the mountains and were greeted by the war between Zethiras the God of Rage and Nithron the God of Serenity, as they were both on the brink of ascension. Suddenly surrounded by a rain of hellfire from a war between two powerful dragons and their children the scavengers struck a bargain with one of the Chromatic Dragons partaking in the war. What they did not know were the true intentions of the dragon. The Dragon, named Dror'Khanik by his father Zethiras was a chaotic being who lived for destruction. He corrupted the scavengers and sent them back to human civilization where they started slaughtering everyone in their path. Aelius and Xylanna alongside a few others managed to put a stop to the scavengers, but as they wanted to break their curse rather than kill them, they travelled up the mountains to confront the Black Dragon who was the cause of this madness.   They confronted Dror'Khanik, who laughed in their faces when he heard what the scavengers had caused, boasting of the chaos he would spread once the dragon armies of Zethiras crushed Nithron and the pathetic Metallic Dragons. That was when Aelius knew that Dror'Khanik had to die. He struck the dragon with everything he had but it was not enough and Dror'Khanik retaliated with a powerful attack that took Xylanna's life. Devastated, Aelius felt himself consumed by rage as the battle continued, but he could not defeat the powerful dragon. As such, he sealed Dror'Khanik into the volcanic pools at the core of the mountain. Following the shift of land that mountain now sits upon the cursed island of Dreyla.   After Xylanna was granted a heroes burial, Aelius left to seek out Miriam, as he had heard rumors of her altering time. He wanted to find a way to undo the events with Dror'Khanik, to have Xylanna stay behind in the village while he went to fight the dragon on his own. Instead of finding Miriam, he found Altan, who was soon to ascend to become the God of Time. Altan already knew that Aelius was coming, and showed Aelius the truth. He brought Aelius back in time with him a single time and they watched from a distance how Xylanna was using Aelius for his knowledge of magic. She was part of an organization that observed those who had been granted Ellania's blessing, creating the very first magical research organization. Being confronted with the harsh words Xylanna used to describe Aelius to her organization he was heartbroken. Was the kind and sweet woman he loved truly this vile?   Pathetic, arrogant, clingy, boring, impulsive were all words she used to describe him and the list of colorful adjectives kept going. The more Altan showed him, the more everything made sense. He had been used and deceived by the one he loved most, but he wasn't angry, he was sad and heartbroken. With the assistance of Altan, he overcame his sadness and managed to put it behind him - making him a stronger man than he was before and allowing him to ascend alongside Altan. Today, Altan and Aelius still consider the other to be their brother and they have some of the strongest bonds among the gods.  

Divine Domains

Holy Books & Codes

Light of the First Dawn,
Principles of Light,
Rites of the Blazing Sun

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A small metal or wooden, shaped in the form of a golden sun. Often worn on a chain as a necklace or as an accessory worn elsewhere. It is up to the wearer of the holy symbol.  
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Keeper of Time
Currently Held Titles
Light Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Lightly Tanned
Other Affiliations

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