Altan The God of Time Character in Elethia | World Anvil
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Altan The God of Time

Those who follow the God of Time aim to protect the flow of time. They know that even the slightest change someone makes to the past can have grave consequences on the future. His holy order The Temporal Guardians work to keep the strings of time intact.   Despite being portrayed like a young man, Altan is spoken of like a wise old man. Someone whose wisdom rivals even that of Sopheia the Goddess of Knowledge and Allena The Goddess of Order and Clarity.   It is of common knowledge that Aelius The God of The Sun works for Altan, as Aelius proudly bears the title: "The Keeper of Time".

Personal History

Altan was not originally granted The Blessing of The Goddess of Creation, and as such he was never meant to ascend. The blessing he carries was originally given to the one he loved, a woman named Miriam. He travelled with her wherever she went, and she used her abilities centered around time manipulation to try and make the world a better place in any way she could. She would reverse time to save lives or prevent other disasters. While Altan could not remember any of it, he trusted her word for it. He always questioned her about her abilities, as he was worried of the consequences. Miriam herself said she did not know, as with many others who were blessed, she did not understand the nature of her abilities.   Altan was constantly worried, as in his mind the way Miriam was going about things, she was erasing futures. He knew that Miriam had lost her mother as a child and knew the pain of real loss, unlike him, but was what she was doing really right? While she was erasing one unknown for another, even trivial matters could have dire effects. Altan knew that her intentions were good, as she could not save her own mother. The two of them speculated that if she went back to before she got her blessing there is a chance that she would not receive the blessing in the first place. That was the one thing Miriam feared regarding her abilites - what would happen if she caused a paradox? Since she understood that, Altan allowed her to do what she believed was right. After all, she was the one with the blessing.   With time, people began referring to Miriam as a prophet. She would warn people of upcoming natural disasters or attacks she herself could not deal wit, resulting in a duality of people being both relieved and worried when they saw her.   Life went on as normal until one day a large monstrosity appeared in the south of what is nowadays known as Strathos. A massive serpent crawled out of the depths and attacked the residents of what is now known as The Everspring Isles. Miriam brought Altan there, hoping for his support in gathering an army to fight the monster. That evening, Altan lost his life.  
  Miriam relived that battle countless times, searching for a way to save both Altan and the villages. But nothing went her way. No matter what she tried it was as if Altan was destined to die that evening. If she tried to leave him behind, he followed her. He refused to not be part of the fight, despite knowing in advance that he would lose his life. Seeing him sacrifice himself for her countless times eventually broke Miriam, and she went to see Ellania The Goddess of Creation. She pleaded with Ellania: there had to be a way to save Altan. With that, Ellania offered to transfer her blessing to Altan, as it was the only way Altan would walk off that battlefield alive. Miriam accepted, unknowing that now she, instead, would lose her life to the monster that had claimed Altan so many times.   As such, the cycle continued. Altan aimlessly searched for a way to save Miriam, but ultimately failed. After countless attempts he, too, went to see Ellania The Goddess of Creation, pleading for a way to let Miriam survive the battle. Ellania gave him the same offer she had given Miriam: Altan accepted.   Miriam and Altan were trapped in that cycle for what seemed like an eternity, their lives were suddenly nothing more than an endless fight against the great serpent as well as searching for a way to save the one they loved. Unknowingly, they were erasing the other's memories of the events surrounding the battle each time they rewinded time. Eventually, Miriam came to see Ellania one last time. She pleaded with Ellania for a way to save Altan. Ellania once again gave her the same offer she had given Miriam many times before, but this time she informed her of the cycle. She told her that this was the 168th time she had given Miriam this offer, and soon Altan would come see her to accept the very same deal Miriam was about to accept. So one final time Miriam accepted her deal, she asked Ellania to transfer the blessing to Altan and to inform him of what she had just informed Miriam. Ellania agreed, restarting the loop once again.   When Altan came to see Ellania, Ellania explained what Miriam had asked her to do. With a heavy heart Altan accepted the burden of living without the one he loved to end this madness. He rewinded time one final time, as there were some final words he wanted to say to Miriam. As she lay there, covered in her own blood, he told her how much he loved her, watching her drift off with every additional word spoken. With newfound rage he fought the serpent in a seemingly endless battle, almost costing him his life. The location where the battle took place still exists today, a terrifying mass grave located on a small series of islands just south of The Everspring Isles known as Serpent's End.   Continuing to wander the lands he watched with both amazement and terror the results of Miriam's endeavor's. The young boy she had saved ended up saving went on to create the deadliest plague in the history of the world, the town she saved ended up being a sanctuary for people who lost their homes to natural disasters.   Altan thought back to the many terrible things Miriam prevented and wondered how the world would have changed if she would have allowed those things to happen. How would the world be different from today? As such, he decided to no longer mess with the flow of time. It was a terrifying thing beyond anyone's understanding, and he would do all he could to prevent anyone from messing with the strings of time.   After his time with Miriam, Altan had a fateful encounter with Aelius, who also was in the process of ascending. The encounter and their shared hardships brought them close together, and today they consider each other to be brothers.  

Divine Domains

Holy Books & Codes

The Paradox History,
The Compass

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A mystical Time Piece which would allow one to see time wherever one is. It is said that these time pieces were granted to the greatest mortals of their time by the God of Time himself, long before the era of recorded history. They say that the time pieces cannot break and only the highest of high priests and high priestesses carry one of these with them. Many have been lost since they were given to the mortals by the god, and rumor has it that only 37 of them still exist in the hands of mortals. Modern day pocket watches and clock towers were created in the image of these time pieces.   Veteran members of the order carry a pocket watch modelled after the mystical time pieces, while novice members carry an amulet with a clock on it.
Divine Classification
Lawful Neutral
Currently Held Titles
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Other Affiliations

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