Loralie The Goddess of Death Character in Elethia | World Anvil
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Loralie The Goddess of Death

Those that follow the Goddess of Death believe that death is the ultimate release from suffering and shall only be granted to the worthy. Those who sin may suffer until they are worthy of death. Many of her followers join force within The Eternal Rest to hunt necromancers, undead and those who cheat death. As once it is your time, you shall pass into the great beyond.   Loralie herself is spoken of like a queen. Due to her appearance and her teachings it is not uncommon for her to be portrayed as scary. As her skin has rotted and the remainder of her flesh has gone white or pale. People say that she is a woman full of pride, who will have it her way or no way. On top of that they have also described her as highly intimidating, in the way she acts and speaks.   Loralie has a large group of invisible beings known as The Bringers of Death that under her command, which can only be seen by those who have received her blessing. These beings follow those who are soon to die, ready to guide them to the afterlife. They are humanoid looking creatures that wear long, feather-covered cloaks accompanied by an animal skull or a mask to cover their faces. They are lost souls who have sworn unwavering loyalty to Loralie. It is said they sign this contract as a hope for being able to watch over their loved ones.   The task that Loralie prides herself most in is the work she does in relation to The Soul Cycle. Where she gathers the memories and spirits of those who die before their soul is lost to the cycle and stores it in The Well of Souls.

Personal History

Before her ascension Loralie was a sweet, Human woman. She was granted the blessing of Ellania The Goddess of Creation and tasked with preserving peace and bringing joy to the land. She travelled the land, mainly curing disease and treating the wounded, as she never considered herself much of a fighter. During those travels she met the man who was to become Zoltan The God of Life. They were the first pair who both carried the Ellania's blessing to fall in love, and they ended up getting married, settling down and having a son together, whom they named Julius.   FAMILY TREE NOT AVAILABLE   Their lives continued peacefully until one day a plague struck the land. All around them their friends and neighbours became sick and started slowly dying. The magic she and Zoltan had been given seemed useless when faced with the plague. To save those she cared about, Loralie took the decision to absorb the plague into herself. She wandered from town to town with Zoltan and Julius, from person to person until the plague was no more. With the concentrated plague trapped inside her, Loralie quickly felt the effects of it. Her skin began rotting and her hair fell out. The intense pain was too much for her, and so she begged Zoltan to kill her, ending the plague with her. But Zoltan could not find it in his heart to kill the woman he loved. Instead he used the blessing he had been given by Ellania to keep Loralie alive against her will while searching for a way to cure her. Several years passed with Loralie losing more and more of herself with each passing day. She became cold, the intense pain changing her to the core.   Then came the day when Loralie could take it no longer. She freed the plague from her body, letting it take the form of a dark cloud that infected everyone in its' path. The cloud swept over the land like a tidal wave, and several thousand died as it passed. It didn't take long for this new plague to be traced back to Loralie. She was blamed for their deaths and people gave her titles like "The Plague Bearer" and "The Lady of Death".   Blaming her husband for the pain she had suffered through, she left the town they lived in, travelling the world to find a new reason for her to exist. Her original task of preserving peace meant nothing to her anymore, she wanted another reason for being. However, during her travels she was met with nothing but fear from those who met her, feeling her heart break piece by piece with every new encounter. After her ascension people began calling her "The Goddess of Death", and Loralie embraced the title with open arms.  

The Great Disaster

Long after Loralie's ascension, Zoltan came to see her. He claimed to have found a way to undo his actions, saying that he wanted his beloved wife back. This greatly offended Loralie, she no longer belonged to Zoltan, she belonged only to herself. She asked him to leave, and when he refused; threatened him. But Zoltan stood his ground, which resulted in an all out war between the two. A war between life and death. This had grave consequences on the Material Plane as plantlife began rapidly withering or overgrowing. This later became known on Ellethia as The Great Disaster, though no one knows the truth behind what caused the disaster.   The war between life and death came to an abrupt end once their son Julius stepped in to stop them. But what they could not forsee was how he intended to stop them. He stepped inbetween them, taking a blow from his mother in his father's stead. That blow ended his life. The attack was meant to have hit Zoltan, an attack making resurrection of the victim impossible.   Even to this day Loralie blames herself for the death of her son.

Divine Domains

Holy Books & Codes

Tome of The Eternal Rest,
The Great Absolution Compendium,
Rites of Eternal Suffering,
The Necromancer's Bane

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A small bird skull often worn as a necklace or other form of accessory. The ornate version worn by the strongest of believers also often contain an assortment of black feathers attached to it.


Zoltan The God of Life


Towards Loralie The Goddess of Death

Loralie The Goddess of Death


Towards Zoltan The God of Life

Divine Classification
Lawful Neutral
Currently Held Titles
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Other Affiliations

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