Zoltan The God of Life Character in Elethia | World Anvil
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Zoltan The God of Life

The God of Life, known to be a merciful and caring being whom treasures life beyond all else. He is said to be a beacon of hope in the darkest of times, and so are his followers. The Order of the Giving Blade, a powerful military organization with a great foothold on Strathos act out his will with an iron fist. It is a common stereotype for clerics and priests of this order to flaunt their power as a member of the most powerful religious organization in the known world. These kinds of attitudes, however, are looked down upon by other members of the order, as putting down others brings nothing but misery to everyone involved.   The followers of the God of Life believe that life is to be treasured. A core tenet of their belief is that "one shall live to the fullest and all deserve to grow old. One shall also not mess with the embrace of death, as it is part of a grander cycle. All that begins must come to an end. The journey should be treasured and filled with joy, pride and greatness.   If possible, followers of Zoltan try to avoid fighting, though those who dare harm the innocent will be shown no mercy.

Personal History

Before ascending into godhood, Zoltan lived the life of an adventurer, travelling the lands to protect the innocent. He received his blessing from Ellania The Goddess of Creation and was tasked with preserving peace. This, however, did not change his lifestyle much. She granted him strange abilities but what he had set out to do remained the same. He believed that everyone deserved to live a long life, and used that as motivation to prevent wars and bring people together.   His life soon changed when he met Loralie, the woman whom he would later end up marrying. They travelled the lands together, two famous names among the commonfolk and did all they could to improve the lives of those they met. As the years passed they fell in love and ended up settling down in a small town to get married, and before long they brought a new life into the world. A son whom they named Julius.   FAMILY TREE NOT AVAILABLE   Life was peaceful for a time until one day the land was struck by a plague. Friends and neighbours became sick and nothing Zoltan and Loralie did seemed to be able to cure the plague. As people started dying around them, Loralie made the decision to use her blessing to make herself a vessel for the plague. In a desperate attempt to end the plague Loralie absorbed the sickness of others into herself. They wandered from town to town as Loralie wished so that Loralie could 'cure' everyone from their illness. Zoltan repeatedly protested, as he knew what sort of burden she was taking upon herself.   Loralie refused to listen to Zoltan, as she wanted to save the people. But as she absorbed more and more of the plague it started to take its toll on her, manifesting in her hair falling out and her skin rotting. Eventually, the pain became too much to bear, so she begged Zoltan to kill her. Zoltan could not bring himself to end the life of the woman he dearly loved. Instead, he used the powers he had been granted by the Goddess of Creation to keep his wife alive against her wishes.   He began searching for a way to end the curse but also save his wife. He believed that there had to be a way. He searched out many others who had received Ellania's blessing, but no one seemed to be able to help them. Several years passed and during that time, Loralie changed. The sweet, kind woman he married was now a cold, hateful woman - ruined by the pain she was forced to endure.   Then came the day Loralie could take the pain no longer. She freed the plague from her body, letting it take the form of a dark cloud that infected everyone in its' path. The cloud swept over the land like a tidal wave, and several thousand died as it passed. It didn't take long for this new plague to be traced back to Loralie. Zoltan could do nothing but watch as those Loralie had sacrificed so much to try and save died around them. The surviving denizens of the land blamed Loralie for the deaths of their friends and family, and no matter what Zoltan did, he could not prevent that.   He turned to Loralie, suggesting that they leave this place and find their own lives elsewhere, but Loralie was furious. She blamed him for the pain she had suffered through and left him and Julius behind. Zoltan spent the rest of his time before ascension searching for means of healing that could restore his wife to her former self. Saving many in the process earning him the title God of Life after he ascended. Tragically, he felt he did not deserve it, as he had failed to save the one who truly mattered.   Even to this day, Zoltan is still searching for a way to make peace with Loralie and potentially restore her to her former self. He receives little help from the other Major gods, however. Altan The God of Time refuses to alter time to prevent the events that led up to Loralie's suffering. His reasoning being that one should not underestimate the effects one will on the future when trying to change the past.  

The Great Disaster

Long after their ascension, Zoltan was still searching for a way to restore Loralie to her old self. He went to see Altan The God of Time, asking for ways to change the events of the past. Though Altan refused to help, stating that Zoltan would not understand the effects such changes would have on the flow of time and on the history of the world.   He then attempted to go see Ellania The Goddess of Creation, quickly realising that she was nowhere to be found. Questioning wether or not she had abandoned this world or not, he continued his search for a way to restore Loralie. He knew that he would have to alter her memory, as well as restore her appearance. But he feared that the plague might have laid a deep root within Loralie. Altering her memory might not be enough.   Speaking to Allena The Goddess of Order and Clarity, he learnt of a location on Mount Soleste. A crystal clear pool of water said to cleanse away ones sins and darkness. They say that those who enter leave as a new, better being. With this in mind, he went to see Loralie in a desperate attempt to try and have her step into the pool.   He brought forth the suggestion to Loralie, and she found his words insulting. She asked him to leave but Zoltan refused. This was his chance to finally get his beloved wife back. She threatened him mutliple times but Zoltan stood his ground, which resulted in an all out war between the two. A war between life and death. This had grave consequences on the Material Plane as plantlife began rapidly withering or overgrowing. as plantlife began rapidly withering or overgrowing. This later became known on Ellethia as The Great Disaster, though no one knows the truth behind what caused the disaster.   The war between life and death came to an abrupt end once their son Julius stepped in to stop them. But what they could not forsee was how he intended to stop them. He stepped inbetween them, taking a blow from his mother in his father's stead. That blow ended his life. The attack was meant to have hit Zoltan, an attack making resurrection of the victim impossible.   Zoltan still blames himself for the series of mistakes that led up to Julian's death, and hopes to one day make amends for them.

Holy Books & Codes

Book of Judgement,
A Squire's Guide to Life and Death,
Chorals of Life

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A sword engulfed in radiating light, made to represent the will to protect the innocent.


Zoltan The God of Life


Towards Loralie The Goddess of Death

Loralie The Goddess of Death


Towards Zoltan The God of Life

Divine Classification
Lawful Good
Currently Held Titles
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Slightly Tanned
Other Affiliations

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