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The Battle of The Blackfields

This battle was the culmination of all that was the war in Theria. After the The Chaos of Mossley, nervousness in the Blackblade family was at an all-time high. Despite winning a few battles here and there the war was not going well, and this information was leaking into the public. When the Elladonian Army marched upon Dunia in the new year, having been harassed by Therian outriders in their rear the entire way from Mossley, they decided to face their harasser and draw up battlelines in the plains outside Dunia. The populace of Dunia climbed the walls to witness the spectacle.   It was mid-day when the first fireballs rained down upon the Therian army. Wizards of the Arcanium Index had become so adept at casting these destructive spells, soldiers of both sides claim to have seen wizards throw up to 10 of these destructive orbs per minute. Defensive magic cast by the Mage Hunters protected the Therian army at large, but occasionally the onslaught proved too much, and a fireball slipped the net. Before the battle had even properly begun, their morale began to waiver. The Therian General Zentos knew he couldn’t keep taking hits here and there, and such, with a heavy heart, ordered his army into melee. This fateful decision would follow him his entire life.   Much blood was shed until suddenly, fireballs started hitting the Elladonian side. The battle had been raging for many hours without a single point turning the tide for either side. With the Therian morale wavering, the mage hunters resorted to drastic measures and fired destructive magic of their own onto the armies of Elladonia. Initial confusion was high. The Elladonian soldiers suspected friendly fire, but quickly realized the fire was coming from the other side of the battlefield.   Up until this point the mages of the Index had strict orders to keep magical casualties low, firing for effect instead of pure destruction. It was their goal to eliminate Therian resistance, not eliminate the Therian population, after all. King Charles Stormchaser was furious that the once so proud Therians would use weapons they deemed beneath them, and without scruple. He ordered the Archmage of The Arcanium Index; Alenia Miralee to order her mages to unleash a final wave of fiery destruction. And so they did, alongside the mages of the Elladonian armies, aiming to destroy the Therian army and end this war once and for all.   The Therian populace that was on the walls that day can tell a tale of balls of rock and fire appearing as if from thin air and dropping down, creating chaos where they landed. The noise was loud enough to be heard in Holden. Within 30 minutes it was all over. Therians routed, their will to fight broken. Many surrendered immediately, afraid to be the next to be reduced to ashes.   Zentos offered his sword to King Stormchaser, officially surrendering his army. The scorch marks of the meteors remain to this day, very little having been able to grow over burnt grass and dead bodies, creating the dreadful lands of The Blackfields.
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
13th of the Month of Fruit in 492
Ending Date
13th of the Month of Fruit in 492

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