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The Azure Intervention

The Azure Intervention is a war that raged from 489-492 between the kingdoms of Theria and Elladonia, the latter being the official aggressor. Despite the war lasting only a short 3 years it was one of the bloodiest wars to this point, especially between two kingdoms, costing many thousands their lives.

Important Battles in Chronological Order:

The Siege of Blackburn,
The Battle at Darkwood,
The Assault of Baymoor,
The Tragedy of Dunia,
The Chaos of Mossley,
The Battle of The Blackfields,
The Surrender at Dunia

Timeline of the War:

The Azure Intervention

The Conflict


Somewhere between 481 and 483 Theria stepped up its anti-magic propaganda. While always difficult for mages to live in, the kingdom now bore an increasingly hostile stance towards any magic users. Many of them fled to the neighbouring Elladonia in the following years. The tensions spiked up when news made rounds that Theria had sent out killsquads from town to town, using seemingly magical means of finding mages to hunt and kill them. Some people told stories of these means also being used for general population control, as many soldiers in these killsquads were reported to having harassed even non-magical citizens. This caused even the last mages to seek refuge in other countries, many moving to Elladonia, a country known to be welcoming to magical talent of all kinds.   Their king Thomas Stormchaser sent an ultimatum to Therias ruler Evicus Blackblade - He would stop the purging of mages in order to stem the flow of refugees seeking asylum in Elladonias cities, many of which were overflowing at this point. In return Elladonia would give financial and magical aid in dealing with the poorer populace and even help create havens for the displaced mages. Evicus Blackblade, being a young and rash ruler declined, his killsquads continuing across the countryside. One morning in the Month of Resolve of 489 a declaration of war from Elladonia arrived in Theria. It is said to have read only one sentence: “Your fiendish persecutions of our kin are coming to their end from this day forth.”


An Elladonian army counting around 9000 men, led by Thomas Stormchaser and his lifelong mentor, confidant and high-ranking general Albert Ravencrest marched into Therian territory only 2 days later.   There were only a few skirmishes in some outlying towns, where some Mage Hunters were caught out by Elladonian outriders and quickly disposed of. A few weeks later Theria had amassed an army composed mostly of militia. It would take them much lost ground and many months to form an army capable of fighting the Elladonian forces, which had doubled in strength by that point.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
15th of the Month of Resolve in 489
Ending Date
20th of the Month of Winds in 492
Conflict Result
The Surrender of Theria and the signing of Treaty of Dunia.



20,000 soldiers, wizards and clerics
15,000 soldiers and mage hunters


7,000 deaths
10,000 deaths


To end the Anti-Magic sentiment and actions in Theria, and to create a refuge or border area where mages who no longer wish to remain in Theria can go.
To maintain sovereignty over their realm and decisions regarding magic.

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  • 490

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    The Siege of Blackburn
    Military action

    The first major battle of The Azure Intervention. The hastily assembled Therian army consisting of approximately 2000 militia approached the Elladonian army besieging the city. The battle ended quickly, with minimal casualties from either side of the battle, as the Therian army was greatly outnumbered and surrendered the castle.

    More reading
    The Siege of Blackburn
  • 490

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    The Battle at Darkwood
    Military action

    At the edge of Darkwood the The Elladonian Army was surprised by Therian scouts, who fled the field to lead the Elladonian army into an ambush.   In the forest the Therian Army lay in wait, resulting in a fierce battle and a loss for the Elladonian army when the trap sprung.

    More reading
    The Battle at Darkwood
  • 490

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    The Assault of Baymoor
    Military action

    The Elladonian Army besieged the city of port city of Baymoor, a cornerstone for the Therian kingdom as many resources were traded through there.   Frigates sailed down from Asladon and blockaded the city, and after a few weeks the Elladonians claimed the city.

    More reading
    The Assault of Baymoor
  • 491

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    The Tragedy of Dunia
    Military action

    After The Assault of Baymoor the Therian Army marched upon the Elladonians. The Elladonian Army met them in the field, now armed with new horses and other resources they had claimed from Baymoor.   It was a brutal battle where king Thomas Stormchaser of Elladonia lost his life. With the Elladonian army demoralized General Albert Ravencrest called for a retreat.

    More reading
    The Tragedy of Dunia
  • 491

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    The Chaos of Mossley
    Military action

    After the The Tragedy of Dunia, a group of reinforcements from The Order of The First Dawn, The Order of the Giving Blade and The Arcanium Index were awaiting the main army outside the small town of Mossley. Once the main army arrived, Therian scouts found the Elladonian army.   Coming down from the mountains north of Mossley, the Therian army clashed with the Elladonian forces, aiming to send them out of their lands for good. Using underhanded tactics the Therians almost killed the newly crowned king Charles Stormchaser, but the heroic sacrifice of Paulina Sungold saved the young king. This allowed the Elladonians to claim victory, cutting the Therian army off from their capital.

    More reading
    The Chaos of Mossley
  • 492

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    The Battle of The Blackfields
    Military action

    The brutal battle that took place in the fields outside of Dunia which today is known as the Blackfields. Destructive magic was cast from both kingdoms, leaving nothing but a field of burnt bodies and ashes.   It was by far the battle with the highest amount of casualties in this brutal war. This event is still highly controversial in the kingdom of Theria, as today Theria stands on the brink of civil war.

  • 492

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    The Surrender at Dunia
    Military action

    After over 2 weeks of sieging Dunia, the Elladonian army forced out king Evicus Blackblade of Theria, forcing him to sign the Treaty of Dunia.

    More reading
    The Surrender at Dunia


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