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The Verdant Council

Excepting the remnants of creatures and twisted children of the Dark Ones that reside in the ancient and untouched Wyndriver Forest, those of the Verdant Council have lived a life of peace and relative seclusion since the dawn of the False Age. While the Verdant Council fell within the realms of the Tierysian Empire, the latter rarely exerted any control or pressure over the then-small nation. Since the fall of the Tierysian Empire and the beginning of the Age of Rebirth, the Council has made strides in expanding their domain and utility without encroaching on its neighbors. Those of the Verdant Council owe their diplomatic and seclusive nature to millennia of safekeeping. During the Age of Creation, when the gods created all mortal life, Emon, the Inspired Reveler, after making the stalwart Ice Dwarves of the Nomrolda Peaks, carved out a land of meandering hills and streams and tucked them behind the towering Aket mountains.

Here she created the halflings, the gnomes, and the hill dwarves to live in merriment and peace under the protection of their creator. However, as Emon joined all her siblings in the Great Slumber, her creations were forced to face the world alone. In the early days of the False Age, a small cadre of the most esteemed and respectable individuals convened over a pure emerald slab, the center piece of Emon's temple in Glimmervale. Thus, the Verdant Council was born--a council of the nation's most prestigious family heads, artisans, and clergy who direct the nation to this day. Even during the days of Tierysian occupation, the council was freely allowed to govern, for the TIerysian's viewed the people of this region as both peaceful and benevolent. Even during the Trial for Existence, the Verdant Council offered safekeeping of their Tierysian occupiers; though, most would decline and flee towards Axum. It is said, during this time, when such small mortals would show a capacity for empathy for even their conqueror, that Emon showed her face one last time. Far above the landscape she appeared, tears and pride welling in her eyes. The tears streamed down her face and showered the lands in mist. Overnight, fields of beautiful multicolored poppies grew, a reminder to the people of the Verdant Council that peace and a warm heart were the keys to survival.

In recent years, the Council's tenants of peace and pacifism have been challenged from within by a group known as the Ecclesial Order. This order, which takes on fervent beliefs and teachings of all the Prime Deities, are self-described as "the sword and shield that will defend mortal races against the forces of the dark and unnatural." Largely, the Order focuses on combatting the unnatural and aberrational creatures present in the Wyndriver Forest, the Crystal Scar, the Great Sink, and the Pallid Expanse. While the Order is headquartered within Verdant Council territory, Bleakrest Outpost, they are entirely self-governing, something that causes diplomatic tensions for the Council and the other nations of Elix, who blame the Council for many of the diplomatic blunders and controversies the Ecclesial Order finds itself mired in.

Cities & Locations

Glimmervale: Surrounded by rolling fields of poppies across the rainbow hue, Glimmervale is the colorful and jubilant center of the Verdant Council. Decorated with vine growth and sprouting flowers, designed in the shape of a massive cornucopia, the temple of Emon marks the city's center. Surrounded by a market selling various pastries, beverages, and breads, all who visit Glimmervale and lay eyes upon the Verdant Slab, the Cornucopia, and the surrounding market always remark upon it being one of the most pleasant and agreeable places in all of Elix. True to the rest of the Verdant Council's lands, the houses and structures of Glimmervale are built into rolling hills and reinforced with wood that has been naturally twisted, often through magic, to work with the landscape as opposed to against it. Festivals and celebrations are commonplace in Glimmervale, for it is always a neighbor's birthday or wedding, and the children of Emon never pass up on a party. Glimmervale, in its rolling hills and greenery, offers a peaceful refuge to its inhabitants and those that guest its hospitality.
  Riverwharf: Set at the mouth of the Glimmer River, where it flows into the Bay of Noakes, Riverwharf serves as the Verdant Council's primary port of entry both by land and sea. Due to its reliance on the waters for survival, a surprising number of Riverwharf's inhabitants mark themselves as followers of Dhamos, the Storm Warden, despite the stark differences between his dogma and the Council's general way of life. Small shrines dedicated to the Storm Warden dot the cityscape and surrounding beaches; from them, small daily offerings are cast out into the eventual tempestuous seas of the Stratpar Depths. The shipyards of Riverwharf produce a great number of unarmed and unarmored vessels used for the transportation of goods and people. Though relatively small compared to the vessels produced by the other nations of Elix, the ships created here are unique in that they provide a relatively sturdy mode of transportation across open sea, littoral zones, and fresh waters. Because of their versatility, these vessels are sought after by nearly all organizations, providing a good source of income for the peace-loving nation.
  Northtown: Rooted at the base of the Aket mountains, Northtown, while small, sports a hardy people. This city provides a good source of raw ores and minerals for use throughout the Council's domain. Northtown sports a sizeable population of Hill Dwarves, who often find their calling hollowing out new tunnels, following the call of valuable ores and gems. The city's proximity to the Wyndriver Forest has posed a recent concern for its inhabitants. As a result, a modest contingent of Ecclesial agents have augmented the local militia, seeking to fend off any hostile or aberrational creatures that break the forest's line.
  Stagwatch: A moderate-sized village, Stagwatch has seen a regression over the last century due to the rising dangers originating from the Crystal Scar having stunted land travel to the Council. The village, self-sustaining, largely relies on fish caught from the local streams and river as well as the druidic gatherers who produce a significant portion of edible plants. In addition to sustenance, these gatherers generate a large surplus of herbs that have tremendous alchemical uses, both natural and magical. Many of these herbs are transported back to Glimmervale, where skilled herbalists concoct various remedies, tinctures, and potions which are often sold throughout Elix.
  Oceanhill: Established within the last century, Oceanhill serves as a resupply and repair station for the many ships (though primarily Valgradian) that traverse up and down the Stratpar Depths. As the Republic of Valgrad has pioneered new ways to traverse the Frozen Spine, more and more vessels find respite in the ports of Oceanhill just before or after braving the harrowing journey through the frozen tundras. This stop along the journey has allowed the Council increased access to otherwise rare trade goods as well as a growing source of income from both tariffs and repair and resupply services on the island. Because of the nature of industry on the shallow islands, numerous sailors from around Elix and even Atrius have settled in Oceanhill as it provides a mixture of an adventurous sea life and the fun-loving nature that is the cornerstone of the people of the Verdant Council.
  Dryrock: Situated atop craggy cliffs overlooking the Stratpar Depths and Bay of Noakes, the town of Dryrock is covered in a thick coastal fog year round. Because of this, during the late False Age, a massive lighthouse, called the Reveler's Gaze, was erected to assist maritime vessels traverse the otherwise dangerous weather. Whether they man the lighthouse or not, many citizens of Dryrock possess a pair of Foggles, an artifice invention originating in Valgrad that allows the wearer the ability to see through fog in an immediate vicinity using thermal magics. The Republic granted the Council access to this technology in gratitude for the lighthouse's safekeeping of Valgradian ships traversing the western coasts of Elix. The community of Dryrock is otherwise small and focused on the manning and upkeep of the Reveler's Gaze.
  Bleakrest Outpost: True to its name, the Bleakrest Outpost is, in appearance, a daunting wood and stone fortress at the edge of the gloomy Wyndriver Forest. This outpost, built and occupied by the Ecclesial Order, while within the recognized borders of the Verdant Council, exists entirely outside of their domain of control. Bleakrest Outpost serves as the headquarters for the Order; here policies and agendas are set, new recruits are trained and outfitted, and orders are dispatched. Though a small village exists on the outskirts of the outpost, those living there work to support and sustain the Order and its operations. Focused on the scouting, research, and elimination of aberrational, alien, or otherwise unnatural forces in Tel'Drannar, the highly religious Ecclesial Order sends agents to monitor the Haggard Marshes, the Crystal Scar, the Great Sink, and most recently, the Pallid Expanse. There are even rumors that the Order has dispatched small units beyond Elix, to Atrius and even the Stormwalls.  
Faith and fury serve the righteous;
There is purity of purpose in the faith of the just;
Doubt not thy strength whilst faith prevails for it conquers all;
Without fear or falter, do thy duty;
Rest not while abominations stir;
Carry thy scars with honor; by them, we shall know you;
Let thy mind be pure and thy aim be true.   We are the sword and shield that defend humanity from the threats that lie beyond.
— Edicts at the base of the Unnamed Agent, a statue embodying the reverential and proverbial agent who sacrifices his life to protect the realms

Political Map of Elix


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