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Davian is a proud country, proud of their people, proud of their hard work, but mostly proud of their Gods. The general attitude of the people in Davian can be summarized as, "We stand for the goodness of the Gods." This doesn't mean that all of the people of Davian worship the same Gods, or even agree on which Gods are the "right" Gods, but there is a shared respect and agreement across the nation that they as a people are better together because of their belief in the Gods.   While the general rule when it comes to worshiping Deities is tolerance, the established Theocracy of Davian has an agenda to push the worship of Gods that they believe will help their people be the most prosperous. In general The Priesthood of Davian encourages worship in Gods that respect and reward selflessness, encourage kindness, and that earn favor with the Gods that oversee the seasons, harvest, and animals. There are also some deities that have been deemed dangerous, and in order to protect the welfares of the people and the land they live on, the Priesthood of Davian has restricted the general public from practicing magic. Children and peoples who have a gift for wielding the energy gifted from the Gods are often conscripted at young ages to join the Priesthood or to join the ranks of special sanctioned professionals to use their gifts in a narrow scope. Sanctioned wielders all over Davian carry official tokens imbued with a special energy that only trained diviners can detect to protect the identity of sanctioned wielders outside of the Priesthood. Those in the general public caught wielding magic risk being detained and brought to the nearest diviner to be checked for credentials and potentially punished.


Davian is nestled between the Kilokilo Mountian range in Inzali and below the Shivering Glow Lake, the largest lake in Tema that gets runoff from The Moonglow Mountians in Vesper.   The outskirts of Davian meet rolling hills and soft mountians in the southwest, and much of the land is priare and deciduous forrests that have been torn down and terriformed into various farm lands and breeding grounds.


Davian experiences 4 distinct seasons, with cold frosty winters and hot summers. This lends itself well to the varied agriculture ventures of the people. Because Davian is land locked on all sides it's seasons and climate is very predictable and stable.

Natural Resources

The people of Davian have terraformed and manicured the deciduous forests, rolling hills and prairies that originally occupied the area to be the perfect location for various agricultural and horticultural ventures. While Davian does not have access to a coastline, they have made trade a major staple for their economy, overseen by the Theocratic leaders. People in Tema raise various animals, and farm all kinds of goods, from grains to fruits and root vegetables.


As the first nation to set itself up with a Theocratic styled leadership, Davian waged several holy wars to both expand their land area and attempt to convert the rest of Tema to their cause. After hundreds of years of skirmishes and battles, The Alliance of Tema was struck with conditions. The first condition being that Davian will never have land that accesses the coast, to limit their reach and power. The second condition being that each of the other two nations maintain their own structure for leadership and how they choose who will represent their people in The Alliance of Tema. A third condition was made by Davian, that all nations should adopt Theocratic leadership, but Vesper and Inzali pressed back and were able to maintain some autonomy on how exactly this looked for them.


Davian is in the center of Tema, and is a trading hub for all sorts of goods. It is also home to where The Alliance of Tema meets. People from all over the continent travel to Davian to trade and exchange goods.
Alternative Name(s)
The Heart of Tema
Location under
Owning Organization


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