Alfredo kitchen

The kitchen is in the southwest corner of the mansion.


The entrance is in the northeast corner.
There are two windows, both made from many small square panels of treated glass within a reinforced lattice:
  • The larger window stretches almost the full length of the room, looking westward. It can be opened transom-style to lean outward with its widest opening at the top. Typically it is veiled in a series of light-colored rag weave curtains -- these are made from the lightest-weight fabrics of discarded or worn-out sheets and clothing.
  • The smaller window is still large compared to what a visitor might expect within a traditional ranch house. It can be opened transom-style to lean outward with its widest opening at the tip. Typically it is veiled in a series of light-colored rag weave curtains -- these are made from the lightest-weight fabrics of discarded or worn-out sheets and clothing. Hanging on hooks above the counter, spread out so they will not drag on the curtains nor clash together in a breeze, are the array of knives and other cooking utensils which have belonged to this house for a century.

Contents & Furnishings

There is a long L-shaped counter along the south and east walls, terminating in the icebox in the southeast corner or the dry goods pantry in the northwest corner. Cabinets line the space under the counter except under the space immediately to either side of the sink on the south wall. Only the opposite corners of northwest and southeast have additional cabinet space above the counter, and that is because they are food storage.
The west counter has a stove in the center with a double oven below it. The east counter has a sink in the center, and in the open space below that area are several herb planters that grow well in shade.
There is a chef’s table and a chair in the center of the room, where someone has been preparing raw meat for the day's stir fry supper.
There is a shelving tower in the northeast corner near the doorway. This contains all of the tea and coffee implements, with clean and dry implements on the lowest shelf, mason jars of ingredients on the middle shelf , and items ready to serve kept on top.

Special Properties

This ranch house was built with significant, expensive amenities to help it be as durable for the Alfredo family as possible. The kitchen is no exception.
  • Pipes built into the core construction of the house bring heat from the cellar furnace to quickly heat stovetop or oven.
  • Running water connects to the aquifer deep below Pumice Hill.
  • The icebox has been constructed of multiple thin layers of shale, cork, and glass sandwiched together to keep out heat and moisture.
Room, Common, Kitchen
Parent Location
Connected Rooms

Cover image: by CB Ash
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