Alfredo northwest bedroom

Purpose / Function

The smallest bedroom in the Alfredo ranch house was designed for care of the current infant, hence its doorway connection directly to the parental suite and its overall size. Vítězslav de Alfredo wanted quick access to a child who might need quick responses throughout the night, much as he would want for a prize newborn calf in the spring, but he recognized that older children should be put behind some sound-dampening layers to let the parents get a decent night's sleep.


This bedroom has two doors:
  • The entry from the hallway is on the east wall in the southeast corner. It opens into the room, swinging northward. Anyone entering this way can see very little of the room until they step fully inside.
  • The entry from the former master suite is in the center of the south wall, and swings westward into that room as it opens. Since that is now the servants' room, this door is mostly kept shut. Princess has not yet gotten annoyed at intrusions enough to want a bar installed; the servants have not yet gotten annoyed enough at off-duty requests to push a piece of furniture in front of the door.
Also this room has three double-hung windows: two close together in the southern half of the west wall, and one off-center in the north wall.


As the youngest child, Piera de Alfredo -- later known as Princess Alfredo-Alston -- has always been in the smallest of the bedrooms. She currently shares it with her spouse Chica Alston, during those times of the winter when they live at Alfredo House at all.

Contents & Furnishings

Princess has a bunk bed on the south wall near the window, a table with two chairs, and her own little washstand with a basin and a fresh pitcher of water every morning. The bunk bed is capable of being converted to (or from) a crib by dismantling it and rearranging the parts: the headboard and footboard become the sides; the ladder can be folded in half, then detached at the hinge into two equal halves which form the crib's headboard and footboard; both mattresses move onto the original "bottom bed" and the "upper bed" reattaches to the lowest portion of the legs to give shelf space and a little more stability.
When she was younger, Piera's favorite color was a bright sunrise orange with just a hint of pink to it, and her father Ludwig de Alfredo went to some trouble to decorate her room with that color. The floorboards are still wood planking like the rest of the upper floor, but she used to have thick rugs in the winter that varied between pastel orange and pastel pink. Her curtains are all a pinkish-orange, as are the picture frames on the south and east walls. The inner sides of both doors, the ceramic washbasin on the west wall, the cabinets on the west and north walls, even the little bookshelf were all stained a bit too orange to be called "salmon".
Princess managed to persuade her mother Mia de Alfredo that the dressing table in the northeast corner should be whitewashed in order to concentrate as much natural light as possible into the mirror, and later added a sky blue table with a matching shelving unit and a pair of simple chairs, all of which she picked up after a cattle drive to Gild'mar. Princess placed those in the southwest corner in front of the pair of western windows. She uses them for everything from a writing desk to a workbench for repairs to her gear.


Piera de Alfredo inherited most of the valuable jewelry from her mother and both sets of grandparents, which she keeps carefully wrapped up and tucked away in the hidden safe built into the back of her dressing table.
Also hidden in this room, but more "hidden in plain sight" because they are mixed in with the little jars of makeup, hair lotion, and perfume, are a few distilled ingredients for an apprentice alchemist.
Room, Common, Bedroom
Parent Location
Owning Organization

Cover image: by CB Ash