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The Prelate of the Church of Light, and a humble servant of The God of Light and Wisdom.  
  • She looks about 35 but is actually around 90 years old..
  • She carries a boring featureless staff that represents her rank of Prelate as the highest official of the Church.. It's magical somehow though... give it some kind of holy light attack.
  • She is abnormally powerful in the holy arts, and is also a master of hand-to-hand combat with the Fists of Holy Wrath. Incidentally, this martial art shares a common ancestor with elven demon-slaying techniques.
  • She is kind and benevolent toward normal citizens of the kingdom, and respects the theological differences between her own order and The Orthodoxy of Khazaria hoping for reunification.
  • However, she has no mercy for demons and their followers. Rather, such sinners are to be annihilated.
  • Since her rise to power, she has advocated a change in Church policy: Rather than keeping their guard up against the Orthodoxy, she has shifted to a more open and cooperative stance with them while focusing her efforts on the complete eradication of demons wherever they appear. She has led a number of crusades to destroy cells of the Silent Eyes cult and other followers of the Demon King.
  • She noticed the young orphan Ilana's innate potential to connect with divine power and took her on as a student.
The mercy of God does not extend to sinners. According to His will, they must be hunted down and punished in whatever dark corners they hide in. As such, the rumors about the Demon King as of late are quite troubling to us here in the Church.




Towards Erys




Towards Ilana



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