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The Fifth Apostle, the Devil's Lyre. An insane bard who considers himself the composer of a grand symphony of destruction. He carries an unstrung lute and a conductor’s baton.
  • He wants to hear the music made when people suffer. Using people’s lives and bodies as the instruments, he strives to create a more beautiful performance. (Singing Machine, Pianist, Musicians of Bremen, Silent Orchestra, Lobelia lookin ass)
  • He calls his ensemble Diabolus Ex Musica, and his victims performers.
  • His powers: maddening and strengthening people who hear his music, eventually taking control of them as they join the never-ending performance.
  • Though he has little combat power himself, his mysterious music causes chaos and makes him a major threat to armies and other large groups of people.
  • In the distant past, during the times of the Demon King War, he was a merely a humble bard. When the Demon King's army arrived to his village, he tried to protect his home by challenging the Demon King to a musical competition. He won, and the Demon King promised that he would not destroy the village. However, the lyre he won as a prize was cursed, and though it made no sounds, it drove everyone around him insane. The people of the village ended up slaughtering each other, and the bard fell into maddened despair, becoming reborn as the Apostle Incalzando.
  • He first appeared at the Eingana  summer festival, a great congregation of people, to spread his music and cause terror. Later on, he will be defeated at the feint attack on Fort Zalambur. If he somehow manages to survive this, he will later be found wandering the roads in despair again, as Incalzando Impazzendo.

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