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The Silent Eyes

A nefarious cult whose insidious influence has saturated the kingdom of Blansys. They, among other occult groups, have resurfaced every few decades for the last century to attempt to bring about the return of the Demon King. Though they have been thwarted every time thus far, they have never been truly eradicated. Now it seems they are on the move again, and this time more fervently than ever before.
  • They hold wicked rituals neither arcane nor divine to bring demons and undead into the world. They have even been able to call forth the Demon King’s Apostles, and the dark lord himself must not be far behind.
  • They recruit by sending cursed letters according to some unknown pattern, somehow written in a cipher that only the intended recipient can read. However, the letters seem to reach only those chosen ones fated to join, as the recipients are almost always enticed by empty (?) promises of power, fame, wealth, love, and eternal life.
  • Some of their many crimes include: slavery, concocting drugs, kidnappings, inciting unrest, forbidden magic, interfering with magical relics, conspiracy of treason, and of course murder.
  • Their leader on earth is the enigmatic Burning Eye Flegetonte, a master of all manner of sorceries and creator of sinister dark sealing magic.
  • Why are they suddenly more powerful? … Dunno.
  See also The Eclipse, an earlier sect that was absorbed by this one.
Religious, Cult

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