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The Eclipse

An secretive order of clerics devoted to the Demon King, and the concept of a lord of darkness ruling over all the world. They are the missionaries of the Silent Eyes. Collectively, their priests and priestesses, the Dark Missionaries, are considered the Ninth Apostle.
  • Their clergy is fewer in number than the priesthood of the Church of Light , but each individual is much stronger on average. However, there is no single most powerful missionary above the rest, unlike the Prelate and higher ranking bishops.
  • Thus, as individuals they are nowhere near as strong as their fellow Apostles. However, when enough work together, they can attain the level of weaker Apostles.
  • The Order of Eclipse preaches of world peace, and salvation for the chosen ones at the coming end of the world. Believers are promised comfort in this life, which will last forever in harmony once the Last Judgement arrives. All of the world’s governments will collapse, and the Order alone will survive the selection and become the new masters of the world. In the meantime before the coming of the Last Judgement, the Order is to make moves to bring peace and harmony among nations to prepare the land. (Curiously, The Orthodoxy of Khazaria also has a concept of a final judgement.)
  • In the early years of the kingdom of Blansys , the Order of Eclipse rose in defiance of the spreading Church of Light. They initially were peaceful, but violence between the sects escalated and the Order slowly came to completely oppose the Church.
  • They were deemed too ineffective by Flegetonte after a number of centuries, and were absorbed into the new, broader Silent Eyes cult designed to revive the Demon King from the ground up.
  • The Dark Missionaries are in charge of recruiting members to the cult. They live hidden among the settlements of mortals to scout for people dissatisfied with their current lives, and send anonymous invitations in a mysterious cursed script only readable by the intended recipient.
  • The personalities of the missionaries vary wildly. They are based on the Seven Virtues.
  1. Humility
  2. Kindness
  3. Temperance
  4. Chastity: This is the one they met at the village.
  5. Patience
  6. Charity
  7. Diligence
  • They can be used in future arcs as other names: Hidden Moon Valley, etc.
Secret, Religious sect

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