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10-12 Meloragift, 4520: Arkomir, Katya and the fall of Pharom.

Arkomir writes...  

10 Meloragift, 4520

  I am at the barracks when Garrick Oakshade approaches with an elven woman, Katya Shadowash that is often at the barracks. Katya invites me on a special mission to scare off some Goblins to the north. It will be me, her & Pharom Gentris and we leave in an hour!


We all meet up at the marshalling grounds at the back of the barracks. Katya has arranged for a small pony, called Swift, as well. We set off at a run - heading north. We find some Goblin tracks and keep heading north and start to leave the patrol area of Mol Gentra. Once the sun is getting low in the sky we make camp and set up a watch for the night. During the night we are attacked by an Ettacap and his spider friends. During the fight I lose consciousness. Katya heals me and the party eventually prevails and finishes their watch and rest.


11 Meloragift, 4520


Upon waking in the morning we take some breakfast and prepare to keep moving. We find some tracks, break camp and move out. We deal with some Goblins (with a T sigil face marking) before finding their camp. We make our plans to take out the lookouts and then scout further ahead. We all move into position. We deal with this camp including a hobgoblin magic user (with the T sigil on his chest). Katya informs me that Pharrom has fallen during the fight and she will investigate his body. A T Shaped branding iron is found. Katya has gathered Pharom's belongings from his body. We move back to camp and rest. During that afternoon and night Katya and I sleep together before taking a long rest.


12 Meloragift, 4520


In the morning, I wake to find Katya and Swift are gone. There are two small pouches, Katya's Longbow and a letter with a smooth river stone on top. The letter is sealed with the seal of the Wildwood Militia Militia. I have been released from service for the period of a year and a day.  

From the command of Garrick EL’Haaven, Elder Glade Warden   Arkomir Phinan,   As of this day, by my word, you are released from active service in the Wildwood Militia of Mol Gentra. This release is for the period of one year and one day. This period may be extended pending petition or review at that time. You will maintain your rank of Branch Commander including all rights and incomes pertaining to.   It is expected that in this time you will comport yourself with the dignity and good conduct of a member of this august and ancient body. May the sisters light your way and bring you safe.   Warm breezes,   Garrick El-Haaven
  Garrick wants to me to find life outside the militia and come back "with a good story".  
Arkomir,   You are a good soldier. One I would always choose to serve with. But, I think you can be a great soldier. And more besides. I must stop choosing you for my shadow. It is time for you to go and find the world. Taste it’s fruits, see more than this forest, and live outside the command of the Wildwood or your family for a time.   Bring me back a good story and the next glade warden.   Melora’s favour to you,   Garrick
  I take Katya's Longbow and add it to my equipment as well as the coin and the notes.


So - where to now! The two pouches contain gold and some platinum pieces. I head north to the edge of the forest. I find a trail and starts to make my way north, away from Foresthome.


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