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24 Meloragift, 4520: An Amulet and A Healer

Arkomir writes...  

24 Meloragift 4520


In the morning we have breakfast and a brief chat with Vaesh & Rosie. We head to the east side of the city to find the shop Gehran told me about. I have a slightly strange encounter as I enter the shop, I find an amulet on a silver chain, which I buy. I put it on and get a very warm feeling in my chest.


We head out to find Lukas, following the directions that Gehran gave us. On the path is a large black dog. I make a motion to him to show I mean no harm. He comes forward - we give him treats - and ask if he knows Lukas. He seems to - so we follow a dog up a path. He leads us to a small campsite where we find a man cooking himself some breakfast. He is Lukas. Lukas is a very attractive man who has a tattoo of a dragon across his chest. We sit at the campsite with him and tell him our story. After listening to our story and asking some questions of his own - he agrees to help us, but he has a small task that he needs help with first, some flying beasts.


We make our way up a winding path up the mountain and come to a small clearing. We climb up about 60 feet and find ourselves on a large open plateau. Lukas sets a pig free (Mr Grunty) as a lure, and the wyverns appear. We fight our way through and harvest some things from them (horns, incicors, stingers) them head back down to his camp. Lukas packs up some gear and we head out to Glade's Folly. We make it there by nightfall and make our way to The Flashing Salmon Tavern to find lodgings. Dharra performs with Jenna Bauerfeld, another bard who is here for the night.


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