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28 Meloragift 4520: Chores, a missing Dwarf and Hermit Isle

Arkomir writes...  

The Morning After

  Dharra is up early and arranges with Holly to stay on a bit longer and start some more refurbishment of the Chandlerveil. Dharra and I head down to Kade and June’s to tidy things up. We manage to clean it up as well as giving a quick blessing to the house. We lock everything up and head back to the Chandlerveil to clean ourselves up. I investigate the master bedroom again and get the sense that there are more sigils out there. Dharra is meeting Devlin here so I assist Holly with gathering some supplies. We gather some new furnishings and speak to some trades about doing some work before heading back. On the way back from the market we meet Dharra looking for Devlin. We gear up, leaving Holly at the house and head to the tower to look for him.   At the tower we find Gunnhild and she tells us Devlin was helping someone with something down near the docks this morning. We gather Kezahr and ask her to get Sid to search for Devlin at the docks. The four of us then head toward the dock as to see if we can find him. Devlin was helping a couple round up untethered boats and he has not returned. We enlist the help of a gnome, Arbet Jemcutter, and rent a boat and head toward the island in the centre of the lake.   The island is heavily wooded and rises sharply from the shoreline. We can see what looks like a tower further inland. We send Sid on reconnaissance and he gets ‘taken’ by something in the sky. We are attacked by two Perytons, but we prevail and get ourselves to the shore.  

Hermit Isle

  We settle ourselves on the shore and head toward the smoke in the distance. We find some footprints and head inland. The forest start to thicken and we hear sounds of wildlife. Dharra notices a paved road to our right and we use that to make better headway. We befriend a small psuedodragon which ends up perched on Kezahr's hand. As we head toward the smoke we hear in our heads from the psuedodragon - WARN. We make our way down a semi-carved path toward a cave mouth. We enter the cave and manage to survive an attack by a number of kobolds. We take a short rest and interrogate one of the surviving kobolds.   He tells us about a pool further down in the caves and an apparent treasure in there. There is a beast in the pool that they sacrifice things to for knowledge. Dwarves built these tunnels and used the pool as well. He says there are many dwarven things around the pool. The dwarves have been gone for some time and the kobolds have moved in. The kobolds knowledge comes from ‘whispers from the pool’. We talk to the pseudodragon and find that he has seen a dwarf and two humans, they were headed toward the ruin.   We head back into the cave system and some of the bodies from the previous fight have been moved. We hear some more Kobolds further into the cave system but we catch up with them and finish them off. Devlin and the humans are also here and we patch folks up as best we can. However, Gertrude, one of the humans, appears to be under some form of mind control. She wants to get back to the pool. We put her to sleep, grab what artefacts we can see nearby and head back to the boat and back to Belhaim proper. The further away from the island we get the better Gertrude becomes...   We get back to the dock and are met by Gunnhild, Saldr, Alden, Holly and Aleif. We invite Devlin and Gunnhild for dinner. We have a good chat with Alden about the current goings on in Belhaim and he tells us that the vote on Lord Advocate will be tomorrow. We head to the Krakken's Beak for a drink and a catch up with the folks we just rescued.  

The Krakkens Beak

  We settle into our table at the Krakken's Beak and Dharra organises some drinks. I ask Herb, Gertrude & Devlin how they ended up on the island and Herb explains how it all went down. They were attacked by the perytons and ended up further inland and took shelter in the ruins. They found a drawbridge and a large door (dwarven made) and found themselves in a sizeable hall. There was something moving about in the ruins which had sensed their presence. In an effort to get away they fell down a hole in the floor and found themselves in the cave system. They hid for a while before the kobolds found them - and we arrived soon after.   Dharra asks about the thing in the ruins and Dharra thinks it may be a giant troll. Dharra organises some more drinks and then gets up to play for the crowd. Alden appears and heads over to our table. As he comes in, there us a noticeable shift in the room - like we are being watched. Once Dharra finishes playing she comes back to the table and we have a chat with Aleif and Alden about the lay of the land. The Lord Advocate vote hangs a bit in the balance. The Oxenhalt delegation is staying near to the Chandlerveil. The vote is set down for tomorrow and the other main player seems to be Cartwright - a local merchant.   As we are getting up to leave - some Middenwald Cavaliers enter that tavern and are interrogating some of the folk in the tavern about poisonings in the town. However they appear to be targeting only the non-human folk. The landlord says this is happening two or three times a day. Moulten enters the tavern with Kugellux and has a chat the Cavaliers and they leave. He greets us and and heads over to our table after organising some drinks. We have a quick catch up with him before heading out to get some fish for dinner and chatting to the Oxenhalt delegation on the way home.   We have a brief chat with Iago and arrange a catch up in the morning with him over brunch. He tells us of goings on in Oxenhalt gives us a note from Esa and Lucas that they did not find any more of the sigils in the surrounding area. We leave him to his night and head back to the Chandlerveil.   We return to the Chandlerveil and we prepare are large dinner and then we all sit down to another meal - Gunnhild, Devlin, Aleif, Holly, Cade, June, Dharra and myself. Over dinner we ask Gunnhild if she knows anything about Hermit Island and as far as she knows it has always been Hermit Island (at least 300 years). Dharra plays after dinner and there is much dancing. Holly and I have a chat during a slower song and I tell her that this house is now her home - if she would like that. She seems very happy to hear that. Dharra finishes up her playing and we bid all a goodnight head upstairs (alone) for a long rest.   During the night I have some dreams. There is something in the dream that I am not quite seeing or there is something just out of sight that I am not looking at.


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