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32 Meloragift 4520: Back to Oxenhalt

Arkomir writes...  

Back to Oxenhalt

  We get things together and set things right before heading off for Oxenhalt by a bit before midday. We arrive at Oxenhalt and we stable the horses at the Serpent and Unicorn Tavern. Dharra will stay behind and speak with Jenna whilst I head across to the temple to tell Essa & Lukas what we have found regarding The Cleansing Wave.   Inside the temple, I meet up with Essa and we sit and have a tlk inside Corellon's shrine. I talk to her about the changes that have been happening with me.I feel as though I have been a child and am at last changing into the man I choose to become. I also tell her about the dreams and the stories of the Cleansing Wave. She shows me that the temple is arranged in a similar pattern. She leads me out the front of the temple to the town square. In the north-east side of the square, the statue that is there is of two figures. One is Bella with her wings and the other is Glade holding a staff at the ready. The plinth they are standing on has the symbols for Brak (a fist wrapped in chains), Lok (a shield) and Melody (a lute) as well. Dharra and I meet up again and I show her the statue. We then head back into the tavern for a nights entertainment.    

The Serpent & Unicorn Tavern

  We settle in to the tavern for a feed and some entertainment. Dharra and Jenna have a chat about their set tonight. Jenna will go first and then introduce Dharra later in the set. We figure that Glade's Folly is named for Glade from the Cleansing Wave. Darin Steelfist was a name we saw in the dwarven settlement on Verdant Isle, and he could be linked to Darin's Fall.   Jenna plays the song she mentioned to Dharra about the Cleansing Wave. She also mentions the statue in the square of Bella. She introduces Dharra and she plays songs and tells stories about them as people listen and dance the night away. Dharra asks Jenna about Vor’Hei from the stories and she thinks it is far to the north - across the seas. Dharra wonders into the crowd to ask folks about the stories. Afbert is sitting toward the back with his father, Hamish Luddstone. He tells Dharra that he knows some of the stories and fills in some details on others, including some details on dragons. The horns in Melody's Tomb may be from Winters Hunger or Bikereth. He also tells her about Mervyg, the Sylvan Plague that may have been felled in the forests near the elves. He thinks that the statue is here because Belhaim was overflowing with people and they were given some provisions and founded Oxenhalt. They erected the statue to remember them. The Cleansing Wave built the temple here in Oxenhalt (or maybe just paid for it).   Essa and I head back to our table and chat about this as well. She says that there may be some books we could have a look at tomorrow morning. Dharra finds some Stoneshield dwarves and has a long chat with them. She tells them about the settlement and some more of Brak Steelfist. They seem very interested in this.   Before we turn in for the night, I tell Dharra about the dreams that I have been having. She reassures me that we will work it out togethger if we can.


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